So my in-laws (not to be mistaken with the out laws) have this fantastically awful tradition of singing a turkey song that I’m pretty sure they collectively made up. I have, in more recent years, seen others perform it on YouTube and yet it somehow misses the simultaneously comedic and melancholy way that they perform it. Without any further ado hear are the lyrics to the song:
A turkey sat on a barnyard fence and he sang this sad sad t-u-u-u-ne, Thanksgiving is coming gobble gobble gobble gobble and I know I’ll be eaten soooon! Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Thanksgiving is coming gobble gobble gobble gobble and I want to run awa-a-ay. Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble I don’t like Thanksgiving Day-ay-ay!
While the lyrics are fantastic on their own, it is even better if you can convince my wife, the lovely Shannon, to sing this turkey dirge. Be sure to ask her to serenade this song to you soon!
Thanksgiving is a great holiday, as it is one without pretense. It really is about overeating and being thankful. Last year when I made the turkey for Thanksgiving, my wife asked me why I didn’t season it? I told her there wasn’t enough thyme.
I love Thanksgiving leftovers, but eventually I get tired of them. At that point I quit cold turkey.
What should you expect at the end of Thanksgiving? The letter ‘g’.
This past weekend was a benefit concert intended to help Lost and Found Pharmacy make-up a financial deficit caused by an outrageous fee from one of our Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs). Between the free will offering for the concert that Emily Jones performed and the silent auction of Beverly’s oil paintings they raised over $2,600. We knew, going into the evening, that the majority of the fees had already been offset by the incredible people that had given so generously. As of Saturday evening we have officially made up the difference! Saturday was so much fun that we think everyone should encourage Emily to do it again next year. We are also incredibly overjoyed that we never stopped providing financial assistance from our patient care fund even when things looked dire. Any additional funds that come in from this campaign will be diverted into our patient care fund.
We know that this Thanksgiving, we are thankful to be a part of such a wonderful community.
Besides Thanksgiving, we should start thinking about other things coming up in the not too distant future.
- Thursday, November 23rd, Closed for Thanksgiving Day ~ No need to cry fowl, we will be open again the very next day.
- Friday, November 24th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, November 25th, all day, Small Business Saturday ~ We will have lots of games and activities, along with sales, and door prizes. Be sure to stop in for Small Business Saturday and take part in the fun. A schedule of events is as follows:
- All Day – Balloons with prizes inside and free wassail will be served all day while supplies lasts.
- 11AM – Prize ball (aka, the Saran wrap game) will be played
- 1PM – Christmas Bingo
- 3PM – Christmas Jeopardy
- 4PM – Decorate tree and sing Christmas Carols followed by Charlie Brown Christmas.
- 7PM – Hang out with our Bible study when we discuss, ‘Is purgatory in the Bible?’
- Tuesday, November 28th, all day, Giving Tuesday ~ Be sure to support the non-profits that you care about most.
- Tuesday, November 28th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying the Book of Exodus. This group is open to the public, so feel free to join us.
- Friday, December 1st, 5ish – 9ish, Long Board Game Night ~ While people can still come at the regular time, there has been a request for an opportunity for some of our game enthusiasts to break out something a bit longer. Come and enjoy some of your longer board game favorites.
- Saturday, December 16th, 4PM – 6PM, Staff and Volunteer Christmas Party ~ We love all those that help us everyday to make Lost and Found awesome! We will close a little early to have food, wassail, and a white elephant gift exchange to thank everyone that makes what we do look so easy!
Earlier this year, we started selling board games and since then we have highlighted a different board game every week. This week we want to talk about 7 Wonders Duel
In this fast paced two player game you and your opponent represent different ancient civilizations. Challenge your opponent and bring your civilization to victory with prestigious buildings, military strength, or scientific supremacy. All in only 30 minutes!
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! Our new Sandwich is a delicious tuna melt. Our soup is our loaded hash brown potato soup. Our specialty ice creams are Black Cherry and Chocolate Moose Tracks. A new treat is grilled cake with strawberry topping or a peanut butter topping.
Thanks and God bless