What is the best present for Christmas?
An aorta……because it comes from the heart!
Believe it or not, I’ve really been struggling with insomnia recently. On the bright side though, it’s only three more wake-ups till Christmas.
It’s that time of year where I need to harass you with all my best/worse Christmas jokes. So here it goes…
Q. Why was the woman offended by the snowman in the produce section?
A. She caught him picking his nose!
Q. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
A. The abdominal snowman.
Q. What do you call an old snowman?
A. Water.
That last joke reminds of…well…another joke.
Q. How to get out of buying your kids Christmas presents
A. Explain to them that, due to Global Warming, the North Pole melted and that Santa and the Reindeer drowned.
The third Wednesday of every month is movie night. In January we are watching a great film titled Hidden Figures.
Hidden Figures is the story of three black women that had to overcome a lot of challenges to help NASA during the space race.
Talking about movies, does make me questions which is the greatest Christmas movie. I know some say it’s the Charlie Brown Christmas Movie, and others Rudolph or The Grinch. However, Die Hard has the best ending for a Christmas movie…
Hans down.
Now to move on to what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, December 20th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, December 21st, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
- Saturday, December 21st, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing various work environments/settings with respect to Christian and non-Christian settings.
- Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve ~ We will be closing early on Christmas Eve. The entire store will close at 3 PM.
- Wednesday, December 25th, Christmas ~ Have a wonderful holiday. We are closed this day.
- Friday, December 27th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. It’s my birthday, so feel free to pop in and say, “Hi!” during game night.
- Tuesday, December 31st, 5:30ish – just past midnight, An extra super long board game night!! ~ This year to bring in the New Year we intend to keep playing games well past the closing time on the soda fountain. Hang out while we play games.
- Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day ~ Have a wonderful holiday. We are closed this day.
- Thursday, January 2nd, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This month they are discussing the CS Lewis book titled Miracles.
- Saturday, January 4th, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be focusing on illegal LEGO builds.
- Wednesday, January 15th, 5PM – 7PM, Hidden Figures ~ The third Wednesday of very month we enjoy a film on our screen at Lost and Found. This month’s film is about three courageous women and their part in helping NASA during the space race
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving Grandma’s Sausage & Bean Soup and our panini is a Holiday Ham Sandwich. Our specialty ice creams are Mint Moose Tracks and Road Runner Raspberry.
Thanks and God bless,