When the guy running the store gives you a high four.
Last 4th I remember watching the fireworks on the TV.
In hindsight, that probably wasn’t the best place to light them.
So before I get into all of our up coming events, I thought I should mention that my wife and I just had our 15th wedding anniversary. Apparently you’re supposed to get your spouse a watch for the 15th anniversary, but instead I got our puppy spayed! Anyone that has met Xanax knows that she doesn’t even make a good watch dog! The two things to take away from this is that people should recognize my wife for being a saint since she has put up with me for so long, and that you need to be gentle with our puppy the next time you see her until she has had a little more recovery time.
Let’s look at some of the things we have coming up in the not too distant future:
- Friday, July 1st, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
- Saturday, July 2nd, 1PM – 3PM, Old Men That Talk About Computers ~ This group, whose name is in flux, meets every Saturday to help others with their tech problems and/or talk about trending technology. This Saturday we have lots we could be talking about including the fact that the Atari is 50 years old!
- Saturday, July 2nd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, is discussing whether or not Christians should consume secular entertainment.
- Monday, July 4th, 10AM – 5PM, Independence Day Cookout ~ We are getting ready for another Summer cookout. Our menu for the day is already available.
- Tuesday, July 5th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are continuing our study on the Gospel of John. We are currently on chapter 8. Feel free to join us and participate in the study.
- Wednesday, July 20th, 5PM – 7PM, Thor Ragnarok ~ July’s movie is a great thing to prep you for the new Thor movie coming out! Thor Ragnarok set the bar pretty high, come and enjoy watching it with us on our screen.I just made up another Thor joke. Why did Thor lose his lightning powers? Because his father grounded him.
- Saturday, August 13th, 10AM – 2PM, Annual Craft Show ~ This year’s craft show will have lots of activities, grilled foods, raffle baskets, and more! This is our big Summer fundraiser, so stop in and check things out. More details will be made available soon.
Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current soup is a delicious Buffalo chicken soup, and our current specialty ice creams are Peach and Coffee House Cookies ‘n Cream.
Thanks and God bless