Lost and Found Pharmacy will be hosting its fifth annual craft show on August 17th, 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM. Last year’s event was a huge success and we are looking to build off that with food on the grill and various craft demonstrations. This event will be held rain or shine! Sign up is only $25 for a 6′ table. Proceeds go to Lost and Found Pharmacy’s patient care fund.
Author: Sean Parsons
These are a few of my favorite diseasles

So we just had a very successful Seventh Anniversary event, and even I had the chance to take a turn at the mic during karaoke. Of course I couldn’t just sing a regular karaoke song. I took the stage and asked DJ Anna to cue up “These are a Few of My Favorite Things”.
Anna looked at me skeptically and asked, “Really?”.
I simply nodded at her and then removed a folded up piece of paper from my pocket. On that sheet was a set of alternative lyrics that I may have borrowed (and modified) from Mike Agranoff. Here are the lyrics I actually sang:
Smallpox and chicken pox, chronic bronchitis,
Syphilis and typhus and encephalitis,
Sinuses ravaged with coughing and sneezes,
These are a few of my favorite diseases.
Pains that are minor and pains that are chronic.
Hangnails and herpes and plagues most bubonic.
Swine flu that renders you weak in the kneeses,
These are a few of my favorite diseases.
Agreed to do karaoke, then found out they only had disco songs.

At first I was afraid. I was petrified…
Eventually though I got my groove on and was showing how funky I can really be. Unfortunately a cop came in and arrested because I was really killing it.
You should come in for our seventh anniversary event this Saturday at Lost and Found and see if a repeat can happen as we’re going to have live music, karaoke, a K-9 cop, a kids craft, and food out on the grill. Much joy will be had by all.
Continue reading Agreed to do karaoke, then found out they only had disco songs.
Seventh Anniversary

The following is a brief excerpt of a conversation between Shannon and myself.
Shannon: June 3rd is coming up do you know what that marks?
Me: It’s a very special anniversary.
Shannon: Yes it is.
Me: It’s the anniversary of when the Beer Barrel Polka hit #1 on the charts back in 1939.
Shannon: ?????
Me: I really love the rendition that was later performed by Chico Marx! I think you can find it on YouTube.
Shannon: That is NOT what I was referring to.
Me: sorry
So it is Lost and Found’s seventh anniversary coming up on June 3rd and you should join us for food, live music, karaoke, and an all around good time.
Memorial Day

Memorial Day last year was fantastic with the parade coming past our store. A level of pride could be seen in our community as everyone watched the participants. During the parade I overheard a kid’s question to his mother:
Kid: Mom, do soldiers ever go to heaven?
Mom: Of course they do! What makes you ask?
Kid: There are so many soldiers with beards but I never saw any pictures of angels with beards.
Mom: Oh, that’s because most vets who go to Heaven get there by a close shave.
Jesus Revolution

Next week we are showing the recently released movie, Jesus Revolution. It will be on our screen Wednesday the 17th at 5PM.
Since we are getting ready for a good Christian movie, I feel compelled to share some Christian humor
As someone that runs a pharmacy, I though it was important to point out when medicine is first mentioned in the Bible.
It was when God gave Moses two tablets.
Jesus, LEGOs, 3D printers, and more….

Recently someone was boasting to me that they could 3D print a gun….
I wasn’t impressed. I’ve had a Canon printer for years.
So we have lots of things to look forward to, including a LEGO competition in a week and a half, the Jesus Revolution movie in mid May, our first big cookout of the year at the end of May, a 3D printing service soon, lots of board games with unique add-ons, and more than what should be crammed into an introductory sentence.
You get a cheese ball, and you get a cheese ball, and you get a cheese ball…

So I was trying to come up with this week’s topic when I realized I needed help. I could have turned to my trusty help mate that happens to be a wise advisor, or I could go to the internet in search of something completely random. I chose the latter.
I landed on a calendar of obtuse holidays. Here is what I found:
April 13th: National Scrabble Day – I find myself at a loss of words for this holiday.
April 14th: National Look up at the Sky Day – Unfortunately people already accuse me of having my head in the clouds.
April 15th: Husband Appreciation Day – While I will be sure to let Shannon know about this, I’m not sure it should be my email topic this week.
April 16th: World Semicolon Day – Considering the plethora of punctuation errors that I make, I need to skip this one.
April 17th: National Cheese Ball Day – Now this is a holiday I can get behind as I know much and more about this cheesy topic.
To answer the first question that probably pops into your head the answer is, “No I am not making this up.” Also, to answer the second question, “We are not getting ready to sell cheese balls.”
Cheese balls have an interesting history, including:
- The first cheese ball was officially presented to President Thomas Jefferson at the White House in 1801.
- The first cheese ball recipe didn’t appear in cookbooks until 1944 (Food of My Friends by Virginia Safford).
- But what is probably the most memorable cheese ball event didn’t occur till December 2012….
Continue reading You get a cheese ball, and you get a cheese ball, and you get a cheese ball…
I have a Movie Idea

So we have three great movies coming up at Lost and Found, including The Book of Daniel, Clue, and the Jesus Revolution.
With all the bevy of big blockbusters coming our way it reminds of a movie idea I tried pitching to some action stars from the 80s. It went like this:
Me: I have this idea where the three of you would be cast as classic composers.
Stallone: I’ll play Vivaldi.
Bruce Willis: I’ll be Mozart.
Schwarzenegger: Stop it guys I’m not saying it.
Snowmageddon this Saturday!

In horrific shock, we are looking at a potentially devastating snow storm this Saturday, April 1st, coupled with an invasion from the Imperial Fleet.
Of course this reminds me of a joke.
Q. What is the internal temperature of a tauntaun?
A. Luke warm.