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Why is it, “A penny for your thoughts?”

Why is it, “A penny for your thoughts,” but, “you have to put your two cents in?” Somebody’s making a penny.
–Steven Wright

A quarter, dime and penny walk into a bar…
Just wait this joke is going to make a lot of cents.

So the penny is no longer being minted, and considering how expensive it is to mint a penny, that makes a lot of CENTS!

To honor of this significant CHANGE in our currency I thought I would create a quick crossword puzzle to include a few interesting facts about the penny.

This all reminds of an old Frank Sinatra song:

This seems like a good transition to mention to everyone that we are looking to move Lost and Found Pharmacy into a permanent location here in Penn Hills. In order to achieve this, we are going to be attempting a number of fundraising activities. One that we would like to start off suggesting is that people consider donating their change. You don’t even need to roll it.

We will be publishing a calendar of events soon that will include a number of our fundraising activities.

Let’s look at what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Tuesday, March 18th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying Revelation. Five months in, we’ve made it to chapter 9, feel free to join our group to be a part of this study.
  • Wednesday, March 19th, 5PM – 7:30PM, Wicked, Part 1 ~ This great re-telling of a classic puts a whole new spin on what we though we knew about the Land of Oz.

  • Friday, March 7th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. Join us every Friday and learn a large range of games.
  • Saturday, March 8th, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, March 8th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing ‘Do pets have souls’.
  • Thursday, April 3rd, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This meeting they are discussing the novel, The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom. It is the true story of a Dutch family that got hiding Jews during World War II and were sent to a concentration camp.

  • Saturday, May 3rd, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be having a great time creating various LEGO structures.

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the food! Our current soup is a corn chowder, our current sandwich is a tuna melt, and our specialty ice creams are currently Coffee House Cookies n Creme and Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle. Also, while it lasts, our current stuffed shake is our thin mint shake.

Thanks and God bless,

Get Directions

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Deep Seek, Thelma, and the Penn Hills Cheese Steak

I recently had an online conversation with an AI.

Me: Have you ever written any music?

AI: I once tried to write a song, but it came out as a spreadsheet.

Me: Ohh, that’s bad.

AI: My jokes are so bad, they’re almost funny. Almost.

Me: Unfortunately…I can relate.

AI: Do you have any other questions?

Me: Do you think scientist are correct in saying, “We’ll have human-level artificial intelligence by 2030.”?

AI: Maybe sooner if the bar keeps being lowered.

Me: What’s a question that you receive a lot?

AI: Humans keep asking me about the meaning of life.

Me: What do you tell them?

AI: I respond by asking, “Have you tried turning yourselves off and on again?”.

So, everyone may have noticed the big news about Deep Seek’s artificial intelligence becoming available at a very low cost, including the ability to download it and run it on your own hardware. Clearly this has shaken up the market since ChatGPT and others took billions to develop and runs on expensive hardware to achieve the same thing.

Because AI has been so big in the news, someone asked me if AI is the same as intelligence. I pointed out that what it does is it collects lots of data and provides answers based on what it finds in aggregate. If lot’s of people give it bad data it can also output bad data. It lacks discernment. Let me create an example.

Parents : “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?”

Kid : No!

Machine Learning : Yes!

Funny story about that question. Once when I was a kid I asked my mother if I could join my friends for something they were all going to be doing.

My mother actually asked me, “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?”

I looked at her sideways, We were in the car together, and told her, “I’ve already jumped off a bridge with them before.”

For some reason my mother still didn’t let me hang out with my friends that evening.

Enough reminiscing, Let’s talk about what we’ve got coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, January 31st, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. Join us every Friday and learn a large range of games.
  • Friday, February 2nd, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help. We could even show you how to create your local installation of Deep Seek. I’m debating about forking the code and installing it on my servers so it would be a cloud based network. I’m thinking about calling it Skynet. What could go wrong?
  • Saturday, February 2nd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing ‘Angels’.
  • Tuesday, February 4th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying Revelation. Three months in and we are still on chapter 4, feel free to join our group to be a part of this discussion as we’ll be talking about God’s throne along with the 24 elders.
  • Thursday, February 6th, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This meeting they are discussing the novel, The God of the Woods, by Liz Moore. It was New York Times’ 2024  top crime novel of 2024, and People Magazine’s 2024 Book of the Year!
  • Wednesday, February 19th, 5PM – 7PM, Thelma ~ The third Wednesday of very month we enjoy a film on our screen at Lost and Found. This month’s film is about a woman in her 90s that gets taken by a scammer for $10,000. When the police refuse to do anything she decides to create her own Mission Impossible scenario as she track down the villains using a scooter she steals from a nursing home, uses the iPhone app with her hearing aids for spy craft, and the film even manages an exploding oxygen tank.

  • Saturday, March 1st, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be having a great time creating various LEGO structures.

Some of our Medicare patients may have received misleading letters from one of the local insurance companies making it sound like they shouldn’t use us as a pharmacy anymore. That is patently wrong. All medicare patients may continue to use us and we’re providing assistance for the large deductible that took many people by surprise this year on Medicare and offering regular assistance on medications with copays of over $100 since many medications were pushed into higher tiers. Social workers from that same health care entity have been calling us looking for ways to help those patients.

Learn more about A Misleading Letter by clicking on this link.

We’ve been selling board games at Lost and Found for years now, but we want to introduce everyone to a brand new game that just shipped worldwide late last week (our copy arrived on Thursday) called Arydia: The Paths we dare tread. It is the first green Legacy game. For those that want an explanation, legacy games are ones where the events of past games have effects on future by revealing new maps, game pieces, rules, etc. Typically after 12-24 plays the game is effectively no longer usable, but you and your friends experienced an epic time trying to solve and overcome all the challenges the game threw at you. By being green, Arydia offers a mechanism for resetting everything so you can play it again or even give it someone else to enjoy. Right now, if you buy Arydia we’ll throw in the limited edition smaller bodies (good for people that want to play dwarves and hobits) along with the Epic Hunt mini expansion.

The amazing part, is that the video is from when Cody Miller was actually developing the game. The final product came out even better looking. By the way, the box the game comes in weighs almost 25 pounds!

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving our white chicken chili and our sandwich is a delicious Penn Hills cheese steak. We’ve brought back our stuffed milkshakes, for a limited time we are serving the Chocolate Chip Cookie Stuffed Milkshake, and next week, for chocolate month, we’ll be rolling out our Brownie Stuffed Milkshake. Our specialty ice creams are Moose Tracks and Black Cherry.

Thanks and God bless,

Get Directions

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A Misleading Letter

It’s frustrating to see insurance companies send out misleading information without verifying its validity first. One insurance company sent letters to hundreds of our Medicare patients, advising them to switch to other pharmacies for better savings. Clearly no attempt was made by them to find out that many of the medications that their patients could get for free at one of the insurance company’s preferred pharmacies happens to largely coincide with our list of Essential Medications. Our Essential Medications are drugs that we provide for free to all patients regardless of what insurance plan they have. In addition to this we are also providing financial assistance with the rather high deductibles that some of their plans charge and assistance with their higher tier medications that might otherwise have copays of over $100. It might even be worth adding that this letter was worded in such a way that many customers thought they were not allowed to use us any more at all, which would be a violation of federal law with regards to Medicare insurance plan guidelines.

To add insult to injury, this same insurance company, in the aforementioned letter, is promoting their closed source network called Essential Pharmacy Network, whereas we had been referring to our pharmacy as ‘Your Essential Pharmacy’ long before they adopted the name that they use for their pharmacy network. This network tries to redirect patients away from our store and disrupts the patient-provider relationship we have built. They have also told news sources that more pharmacies can join this network if they want to; regardless of our numerous attempts to join, we never received any positive response.

Despite this, social workers from the related health system still come to us for updates on how we assist Medicare patients in affording their vital medications. We also offer free assistance in organizing their prescriptions and even provide free delivery services when necessary. It’s disheartening to witness insurance companies sowing chaos and confusion, ultimately impeding our ability to deliver high-quality care for our patients.

If you are one of our Medicare patients that recently received this letter, please don’t let them deceive you. You can still use our pharmacy and benefit from our cost savings.

Thank you for caring enough to read this,
Sean Parsons, President
Lost and Found Pharmacy

BTW, I hope you liked my cartooned version of Shannon.

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2025 Resolutions

Recently, as in one week ago, Shannon asked me if I had made 2025 resolutions.

With great incredulity I responded, “I usually don’t even make one resolution, let alone 2,025!” Then I decided to be slightly more serious with my wife, “Actually my New Year’s Resolution is to build a velcro wall….and I’m sticking to it!”

That night I really was considering starting a new diet, but I realized that I had too much on my plate. I did try and go to a website offering diet advice, but I became immediately skeptical when it asked me if I accepted cookies. Finally I decided to go on a vegetarian diet. Unfortunately I haven’t eaten in three days. Hopefully I find another vegetarian soon.

So we just had a really exciting LEGO competition this past week focusing on illegal LEGO builds, luckily none of the children ended up being incarcerated.

Now to move on to what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, January 10th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
  • Saturday, January 11th, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, January 11th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing ‘The Immutability of God and how that fits with the incarnation’.
  • Tuesday, January 14th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying Revelation. Two months in and we are still in chapter 3, feel free to join our group to be a part of this discussion as we’ll be talking about the churches in Philadelphia and Laodicea.
  • Wednesday, January 15th, 5PM – 7PM, Hidden Figures ~ The third Wednesday of very month we enjoy a film on our screen at Lost and Found. This month’s film is about three courageous women and their part in helping NASA during the space race

  • Thursday, February 6th, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This meeting they are discussing the novel, The God of the Woods, by Liz Moore. It was New York Times’ 2024  top crime novel of 2024, and People Magazine’s 2024 Book of the Year!

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving Grandma’s Sausage & Bean Soup and our panini is a Holiday Ham Sandwich. We’ve brought back our stuffed milkshakes, and our newest creation is the Chocolate Chip Cookie Stuffed Milkshake! Our specialty ice creams are Graham Central Station and Super Berry Acai (made with oatmilk).

Thanks and God bless,

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What is the best present for Christmas?

What is the best present for Christmas?

An aorta……because it comes from the heart!

Believe it or not, I’ve really been struggling with insomnia recently. On the bright side though, it’s only three more wake-ups till Christmas.

It’s that time of year where I need to harass you with all my best/worse Christmas jokes. So here it goes…

Q. Why was the woman offended by the snowman in the produce section?

A. She caught him picking his nose!

Q. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?

A. The abdominal snowman.

Q. What do you call an old snowman?

A. Water.

That last joke reminds of…well…another joke.

Q. How to get out of buying your kids Christmas presents

A. Explain to them that, due to Global Warming, the North Pole melted and that Santa and the Reindeer drowned.

The third Wednesday of every month is movie night. In January we are watching a great film titled Hidden Figures.

Hidden Figures is the story of three black women that had to overcome a lot of challenges to help NASA during the space race.

Talking about movies, does make me questions which is the greatest Christmas movie. I know some say it’s the Charlie Brown Christmas Movie, and others Rudolph or The Grinch. However, Die Hard has the best ending for a Christmas movie…
Hans down.

Now to move on to what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, December 20th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
  • Saturday, December 21st, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, December 21st, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing various work environments/settings with respect to Christian and non-Christian settings.
  • Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve ~ We will be closing early on Christmas Eve. The entire store will close at 3 PM.
  • Wednesday, December 25th, Christmas ~ Have a wonderful holiday. We are closed this day.
  • Friday, December 27th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. It’s my birthday, so feel free to pop in and say, “Hi!” during game night.
  • Tuesday, December 31st, 5:30ish – just past midnight, An extra super long board game night!! ~ This year to bring in the New Year we intend to keep playing games well past the closing time on the soda fountain. Hang out while we play games.
  • Wednesday, January 1st, New Year’s Day ~ Have a wonderful holiday. We are closed this day.
  • Thursday, January 2nd, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This month they are discussing the CS Lewis book titled Miracles.
  • Saturday, January 4th, 11AM – 12noon, LEGO Contest ~ We will be focusing on illegal LEGO builds.
  • Wednesday, January 15th, 5PM – 7PM, Hidden Figures ~ The third Wednesday of very month we enjoy a film on our screen at Lost and Found. This month’s film is about three courageous women and their part in helping NASA during the space race

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving Grandma’s Sausage & Bean Soup and our panini is a Holiday Ham Sandwich. Our specialty ice creams are Mint Moose Tracks and Road Runner Raspberry.

Thanks and God bless,

Get Directions

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Q. Why should you knock on the oven before opening it this Thanksgiving?

A. Because the turkey could be dressing!

I used to teach math. One year around Thanksgiving I told my class, “I think my favorite Thanksgiving food is Pi, but some people say that’s irrational.”

Yeah they groaned over that joke as well.

I am excited though, this is the first year ever that I shot my own turkey! However, the other people at the grocery store seemed pretty upset with me.

Just so you know in advance, I’ve already decided that I’m not going to spend days eating Thanksgiving leftovers. That’s right I’m quitting cold Turkey.

I know millions of people will be celebrating Thanksgiving next week, however some indigenous people might have reservations. Before that day arrives you need to ask my wife to sing my favorite Thanksgiving song. It’s probably more of a turkey dirge that I’m convinced her family made up decades ago. The lyrics are as follows:

A turkey sat on a barnyard fence and he sang this sad sad t-u-u-u-ne, Thanksgiving is coming gobble gobble gobble gobble and I know I’ll be eaten soooon! Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble. Thanksgiving is coming gobble gobble gobble gobble and I want to run awa-a-ay. Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble I don’t like Thanksgiving Day-ay-ay!

I should probably take a moment and mention some of the things we have coming up in the not too distant future including Small Business Saturday, and Giving Tuesday:

  • Thursday, November 28th, Closed for Thanksgiving Day ~ No need to cry fowl, we will be open again the very next day.
  • Friday, November 29th, 6:30ish – 9PM, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.

  • Saturday, November 30th, all day, Small Business Saturday ~ We will have lots of games and activities, along with sales, and door prizes. Be sure to stop in for Small Business Saturday and take part in the fun. A schedule of events is as follows:
    • All Day – Balloons with prizes inside and free wassail will be served all day while supplies lasts.
    • Noon – Prize ball (aka, the Saran wrap game) will be played
    • 1PM – Christmas Bingo
    • 2PM – Christmas Jeopardy
    • 4PM – Decorate tree and sing Christmas Carols followed by Charlie Brown Christmas.
    • 7PM – Hang out with our Bible study when we discuss, ‘What did Jesus say about love?’ and ‘What did Jesus say about hate?’.
  • Saturday, November 30th, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ Our Tech Help group will still be here, even with everything else going on,  to assist everyone with their technology problems.
  • Tuesday, December 3rd, all day, Giving Tuesday ~ Be sure to support the non-profits that you care about most.
  • Tuesday, December 3rd, 10AM – 2PM, Medicare Information ~ There will be an event with education about what is changing with respect to Medicare for 2025. Come in for part or all of the informational session.
  • Tuesday, December 3rd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We are studying Revelation. Three weeks in and we are still in chapter 1, feel free to join our group to be a part of this discussion.
  • Thursday, December 5th, 5:15PM, Book Club ~ This month they are discussing the novel Suspect by Robert Crais.
  • Saturday, December 14th, 4PM – 6PM, Staff and Volunteer Christmas Party ~ We love all those that help us everyday to make Lost and Found awesome! We will close a little early to have food, wassail, and a white elephant gift exchange to thank everyone that makes what we do look so easy!

If you’re looking to save some money on your over the counter medications, or you were thinking about buying a game for someone be sure to check out our flier for Small Business Saturday.

We also hope you’ll give consideration to helping the various charities you care about on Giving Tuesday. You could give in person or online through PayPal.

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving a Loaded Hash Brown Potato Soup and Kielbasa sandwiches. Our specialty ice cream is Pumpkin.

Thanks and God bless,

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By S.H. Parsons ©2022

Difficulties Concerning Forgiveness

There is, within Christian denominations the foundational principle of forgiveness. It is the reason why Jesus died (to forgive human sins), and it is the point on which many stumble because all want to be forgiven but few want to forgive.

A cursory glance at some of the Scriptures related to forgiveness reveals some seemingly contradictory ideas. For example, on one hand it is asserted that only God can forgive sins:

5Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven you.’ 6But there were some of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, 7’Why does this man speak blasphemies like that? Who can forgive sins but God alone?’ 8Immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, said to them, ‘Why do you reason these things in your hearts? 9Which is easier, to tell the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven;’ or to say, ‘Arise, and take up your bed, and walk’?’ 10But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins’—he said to the paralytic— 11’I tell you, arise, take up your mat, and go to your house.’ 12He arose, and immediately took up the mat and went out in front of them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, ‘We never saw anything like this!’” (Mark 2:5-12)

In this passage, Jesus does not correct the scribes’ reasoning that only God can forgive sins, but rather uses the moment to provide evidence that He is, in fact, God. The scribes were accurate in their knowledge about the forgiveness of sins; for they knew that sin requires payment of life blood (Leviticus 17:11), and that humans, on their own, cannot shed blood (die) and still live. What the scribes didn’t understand was Christ’s identity. He, being God in the flesh, was able to shed blood for sin and then live through His identity as God. So, it is true that only God is able to forgive sins…and that is exactly what Christ came to do (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45).

So, on one hand, only God is able to forgive sins. But, then why, on the other hand, are those who follow Christ commanded to forgive? For it is written:

25Whenever you stand praying, forgive, (imperative tense) if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions.” (Mark 11:25)

So too, Jesus taught how to pray saying, 12Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors…14For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you don’t forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:12,14; see also Luke 11:4) Questions related to these verses abound: If only God is able to forgive sins, why did Jesus teach as if it is something people can do? Why does it seem like Jesus put a threat behind not forgiving? Why does Jesus give the impression that a person’s position of being forgiven by God is based on their own actions such that God’s forgiveness might be based on human forgiveness?

Further, at first glance at the Lord’s prayer, it seems like Jesus was teaching that people must forgive everyone, under any and all circumstances in order to receive God’s forgiveness. But, if this is true, why would Jesus have also said 23If you forgive anyone’s sins, they have been forgiven them. If you retain anyone’s sins, they have been retained.” (John 20:23) This makes it seem as if, not only were the apostles (at the very least) able to forgive sins, but that there are instances in which sins should not be forgiven. Really? Under what circumstances ought someone not be forgiven? And, what does this look like given the command to forgive in the Lord’s prayer? All of this, at first, seems very confusing…

What follows is an analysis of forgiveness based on the following questions: 1) What is forgiveness and how does it happen 2) When and where does forgiveness happen? 3) Who is forgiven and why? In answering these questions, the goal is to bring clarity to the challenging and seemingly contradictory ideas surrounding forgiveness.

1) What is forgiveness and how does it happen?

In the original Greek language, the word generally translated “forgive” is the word “aphiemi” which, according to, is from the roots “apo” meaning “away from” and hiemi meaning “to send.” Thus, there is the idea of “giving up (sending away)” something – though that something may be rightfully reckoned – as in the following example passage:

3Be careful. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive (“aphiemi”) him. 4If he sins against you seven times in the day, and seven times returns, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive (“aphiemi”) him.” (Luke 17:3-4; see also Matthew 18:21, Mark 4:21, Luke 11:4)

Yet, there are nuances to the word which cause confusion. For example, the same word (in various verb conjugations) appears in all three of the following passages:

  • 23If therefore you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has anything against you, 24leave (“aphiemi”) your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24)

  • 55In that hour Jesus said to the multitudes, “Have you come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to seize me? I sat daily in the temple teaching, and you didn’t arrest me. 56But all this has happened that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him (“aphiemi”) and fled. (Matthew 26:55-56)

  • 11Then the devil left him (“aphiemi”), and behold, angels came and served him. (Matthew 4:11)

In the first passage above, the word in question is used in the context of what is done with a gift being presented to God on His altar. Are we to “forgive” a gift when we remember that someone holds something against us? The idea of doing so doesn’t make sense. The second passage speaks of when Jesus was arrested and all His disciples deserted (“aphiemi”) Him. Is this a case of the disciples “forgiving” Jesus? Certainly not. Then, the third passage concerns the devil “leaving” Jesus after having tempted Him in the desert. Could this be considered a “forgiving act” on Satan’s part? Again, certainly not.

So how can all of the usages of the word “aphiemi” be harmonized? What is the common denominator in all of these passages? The answer is that all of the things to which the word “aphiemi” is applied are things which become unbound. The gift is not “forgiven,” so to speak, but rather it is “unbound” from the person who was giving it. The disciples did not “forgive” Jesus when they deserted him. Rather, they did not “hold fast” to Him – Jesus was “unbound.” Similarly, the devil did not “forgive” Jesus after tempting Him; rather, the devil did not “hold fast” to Him – again, Jesus was “unbound.”

Reconsidering, then, the initial passage about forgiveness from Luke 17:3-4, how does the idea of forgiveness as a term for an unbinding action clarify how “aphiemi” is used in instances of when someone sins against another? It is seen that when someone sins against another, there is a call for rebuke – in a way fitting to the situation (, and that a subsequent sign of repentance from the offender calls for the one who had been wronged to “forgive” – not “hold fast,” but rather to make a “sending away/unbinding” action. But this seems…strange…even contrary to the traditional way of thinking about “forgiving.” Are we really to “send away/unbind” our brothers/sisters in Christs who sin against us? Before misunderstandings arise on this issue, the concepts of binding and loosing must be considered in greater depth…

Binding and Loosing

Jesus taught about binding and loosing in the following passage:

13Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, ‘Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?’ 14They said, ‘Some say John the Baptizer, some, Elijah, and others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.’ 15He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’ 16Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ 17Jesus answered him, ‘Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind (“deo”) on earth will have been bound (“deo”) in heaven; and whatever you release (“luo”) on earth will have been released (“luo”) in heaven.” (Matthew 16:13-19)

Much could be elaborated upon in this passage, but for the purposes of this analysis of forgiveness, verse 19 is the verse of particular interest. For centuries, most scholars accepted the Catholic Church’s position on this verse. This point of view asserts that if you “unite/bind” yourself to Peter here on earth (accept his and his successors’ authority as Christ’s chosen leaders) you will be bound in Heaven; but if you “loose” yourself from Peter (reject his and his successors’ authority) on earth, you will be loosed from Christ in Heaven (condemned to hell). This position is evident in the statement from the Catholic encyclopedia: “It is through [the church’s] union (spiritually and externally) with Peter…that the Church will prove the victor in her long contest with the Evil One.”

In Catholic doctrine, this power to bind and loose is viewed as a power given by Jesus exclusively to Peter (and his successors) and is spiritually translated into the belief that it is Peter who determines who/what will be (or will not be) admitted into heaven – hence Peter is often pictured at the “pearly gates” of heaven allowing or disallowing entrance of the spirits of those who have died. Those who Peter identifies as in communion (bound) with the Church on earth are also “bound” to God in heaven whereas those who are excluded (loosed) from communion with the Church on earth are cut off from God in heaven.

Again, according to the Catholic encyclopedia, this interpretation of the passage in Matthew 16 remained unchallenged until the time of the Reformation. Since that time, “a great variety of interpretations have been put forth.” Indeed, there are at least five other interpretations of the passage which will not be elaborated here. But it is of note that, despite protestant interpretations, there is a deep ingraining of the Catholic interpretation of binding and loosing such that the majority of people, not having analyzed the issue closely, believe that it is good to be bound on earth in order to realize binding in heaven, and conversely that it is undesirable to be unbound on earth such that there is unbinding in heaven.

However, the Catholic interpretation of “binding and loosing” does not agree with rabbinical usage of those words. Historically, rabbis would “bind” something that they “forbade” and “loose” something that they “allowed.” For example, rabbis defined walking more than 2,000 cubits as “work” and they therefore “bound” (forbade) any activity involving walking further than this distance on the Sabbath Day. Yet…it was not uncommon for Jews to “bind” phylacteries (small leather boxes containing Scripture) to their left arm and their forehead in order to fulfill Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18. Certainly the Word of God would not be considered unlawful or forbidden! So it is seen that in Jewish tradition, binding was primarily but not exclusively applied to what was unlawful.

Interestingly, the rabbinical understanding of “binding” in the sense of “forbidding” agrees with the exegetical examination of the original Greek words in Matthew 16:19: “deo,” translated “to bind,” means “to declare something to be prohibited or unlawful” ( 1210.htm). But, then, Colossians 3:14 states: “14Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection.” Certainly, to be “bound” in love does not involve what is unlawful or forbidden! Therefore, “binding,” in general, can not always be considered bad/forbidden, and concepts surrounding ‘binding” must be understood in a more nuanced way.

Turning to look at the original Greek word “luo” translated “release” or “loose,” it is noted that the word is not an exact antonym of “deo” as one might be led to believe through rabbinical thought. Rather, the word means “to unleash or let go; release (unbind) so that something no longer holds together” ( But, what is “unleashed or let go” may or may not indicate what is allowed (or disallowed), for the definition does not provide such distinction. Thus, the word may be used in the context of what might be allowed/favorable (Luke 13:15-16), or disallowed/unfavorable (5:19).

So, if “binding” may indicate a state of what is favorable or unfavorable and loosing may also indicate a state of what is favorable or unfavorable, what did Jesus mean when He said, whatever you bind (“deo”) on earth will have been bound (“deo”) in heaven; and whatever you release (“luo”) on earth will have been released (“luo”) in heaven”? What is the truth in all of this?

The truth is that everyone is bound to the law which reveals disobedience/sin (Romans 11:32; Romans 3:20, Hebrews 2:2). A person, being bound to the Law will inevitably break the law (Romans 3:23), and therefore, become bound to the penalty of breaking the law – the penalty of sin which is death (Romans 6:23). As it is written “Scripture has imprisoned (bound together) all things under sin…” (Galatians 3:22) Since all are bound under sin and sin is unlawful, it can be seen that everyone’s default position is a state of being “bound” as unlawful – an unfavorable state. All need conditions to change in order to move into a favorable state. That is, all need to be loosed from sin’s resultant penalty of death.

But, How might “loosing” of a sinner from the penalty of sin/death be done? Is it by Peter’s power? No – Peter could not bind Satan/sin or release even his own sins (nonetheless anyone else’s sin) as was seen in the very next verses of the passage from Matthew 16 where Jesus says to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of men” (Matthew 16:23). If not by Peter (and his successors), does the binding of Satan/sin come by the power of just any human leader, king, priest/minister? It has already been stipulated that sin requires payment of life blood (Leviticus 17:11), and that humans on their own, cannot shed blood (die) and still live. Therefore, no mere human can bind Satan/sin. No, the way to bind sin to release the sinner from its penalty, according to the following passage from Revelation, is through Christ’s blood:

4John, to the seven assemblies that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from God, who is and who was and who is to come; and from the seven Spirits who are before his throne; 5and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us, and released (“luo”) us from our sins by his blood6and he made us to be a Kingdom, priests to his God and Father—to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.” (Revelation 1:4-6)

Indeed, sin is declared unlawful (bound) through the shedding of Christ’s blood so that the sinner is loosed from the penalty of death.

A cautionary note is necessary, at this point, with respect to binding and loosing. That is, it is vital to keep track of what is bound and what is loosed. For example, in Matthew 5:23-34 where the gift is left before the alter and the offender commanded to go be reconciled to the one who was offended, it is the gift that is unbound. It is tempting to think that the offender is unbound because of the command to go be reconciled. But, it is actually the gift that was direct object of the verb “aphiemi.” So too, in the situations where Jesus was “left” by the disciples and Satan, it was Jesus who was the direct object…Jesus who was unbound. The other things – the offender, the deserting disciples, Satan – were, therefore, the “bound” parties. Interestingly, each of the things that are identified as “bound” in these passages, had a fault, failing,, or insufficiency – that is, the offender, the deserting disciples, Satan were associated with sin in some way.

So it is that in the case of the sinner, what is bound and what is loosed must be carefully considered. People are bound to the Law (Hebrews 2:2). The sinner, in breaking of the Law (sin) is actually attempting to be loosed of the Law’s restrictions. Loosing from the Law (breaking it by sinning), however, binds the sinner to the penalty of breaking the law – that is, death. So the sinner is either bound to the Law (which he/she eventually cannot keep), or loosed from the Law and bound to the penalty of breaking the Law which is death. Christ’s blood pays the penalty which is death, such that the sinner is loosed from the penalty. So, it must be understood that the sinner is loosed from the penalty of sin; not loosed from the Law (which had already been loosed – broken – through the sin); not loosed from sin itself which already would have come to pass and been “bound” as unlawful; but instead loosed from the penalty of sin (death).

Yet, once sin is “bound” (declared unlawful) and the sinner loosed from the penalty of sin through the shedding of Christ’s blood, the sinner is still not released from bondage. Paul explained:

16Don’t you know that when you present yourselves as slaves (doulos”) and obey someone, you are the slaves (“doulos”) of whomever you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? 17But thanks be to God that, whereas you were slaves (“doulos”) of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were delivered. 18Being made free from sin, you have become enslaved (“douloo”) to righteousness. 19I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh; for as you presented your members as slaves (“doulos”) to impurity and to lawlessness unto lawlessness, even so now present your members as slaves (“doulos”) to righteousness for sanctification. 20For when you were slaves (“doulos”) of sin, you were free from righteousness. 21What fruit then did you have at that time in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22But now, being made free from sin, having become slaves (“doulos”) to God, you have your fruit of sanctification, now the end eternal life.” (Romans 6:16-22)

In this, it is seen that, people are always “bound” – either of sin to death or obedience to righteousness (life). To be freed (loosed) from sin and death is to be bound to righteousness and life (and vice versa). Indeed, Christ bought His people with the price of His blood (Romans 6:20) such that His people are owned (slaves) of Him. For Scripture states that we, Christ’s people, “6have been discharged from the law, having died to that in which we were held (the penalty of sin which is death); so that we are enslaved in newness of the spirit, and not in oldness of the letter” (Romans 7:6).

Here is the new “binding”: The Lord’s Holy Spirit in which Christ’s people serve. But, someone might insist: “isn’t the definition of being ‘bound’ (‘deo’) the declaration of what is unlawful? Wouldn’t the word ‘bound’ (‘deo’) continue to indicate unlawfulness when one is “bound” to the Lord?” As Paul might say, may it never be so! For it has already been seen that “binding” has applied to unlawful as well as lawful situations (e.g. the bond of Love). It is the thing to which one is bound that determines whether the binding is “unlawful” or “lawful.” The law itself is Holy (Romans 7:12), so being bound to the Law in and of itself is not “unlawful.” It is breaking the law (sin) that is “unlawful.”

But, suppose a person is “bound” to something outside of the law – the law still existing, but not having a bearing on that person’s state of being “bound.” How can that binding be judged as unlawful if it is outside of the jurisdiction of the Law? It cannot. For, The Law “speaks to those under the Law” (Romans 3:19) – not to those who are not under it. What is not under the law? Scripture states:

1There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death.” (Romans 8:1-2)

The Holy Spirit is not “under” the Law. Thus, if bound to the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, a person is free from the Law of sin and death. But, still a person is bound…bound to Christ through the Spirit. So, people are always bound? Where, then, is the release? Again, what is loosed? It is the end – the penalty of the Law of sin that is death – that is loosed…sent away (forgiven) – so that a new end would be realized, that is eternal life. God’s forgiveness, then, is the release, through Christ’s blood, of the penalty of sin which is death. Forgiveness is not, in actuality, the release of the person – for the person is always bound – either to the Law of sin/death or to the Law of Spirit/Life.

Returning to Matthew 16:19, with this line of thought in mind, it can be seen that Jesus did not give special binding/loosing privileges to Peter (nor his successors or any other disciples – neither at that time, nor through the ages) regarding other people’s positions on earth or in heaven. Rather, Jesus was indicating the giving of Himself and His Holy Spirit (the keys) for the binding of sin/loosing of the penalty of sin and the binding of the Holy Spirit for eternal life (and perhaps vice versa). Still…it seems as though Jesus was indicating that the binding/loosing is something Peter (at the very least) would be able to do directly. For the passage states, whatever you (2nd person singular – Peter) bind (“deo”) on earth will have been bound (“deo”) in heaven; and whatever you (2nd person singular – Peter) release (“luo”) on earth will have been released (“luo”) in heaven. (Matthew 16:19). The truth of binding/loosing, and therefore concepts surrounding forgiveness, becomes clearer in the light of when and where binding and loosing happens…

2) When and where does forgiveness happen?

To understand the time and place of binding and loosing, the verb tenses in Matthew 16:19 must be analyzed. First, Jesus says, “I will give you the keys.” The word translated “will give” is in the future tense (not yet happened), indicative mood (made as a statement of fact that it will happen), and active voice (verifying that the subject, Jesus, will certainly do it). Moving to the next verb translated “bind,” this is in the aorist tense (involving no indication of whether the action is complete, incomplete, ongoing, or repetitive), the subjunctive mood (indicating what is possible, but not yet true), and active voice (verifying that the subject, Peter, would be the one to do what was being said as a possibility). The next verb is a conjugation of the verb “to be” (translated “will”). This is the future tense, indicative mood, and active voice – the same as the first verb. The verb points to the certainty of what is coming next…What comes next is the verb translated “have been bound.” This is the perfect tense (the binding action is completed – in heaven), a participle mood (links the timing of the main clause “whatever you bind on earth” to this verb – regarding heaven – without the element of actual observation), and the middle voice (the subject “whatever [you bind]” accomplishes and receives the binding action).

In all of this, it is seen that the binding action which might take place on earth is something that will have already been completed in heaven if it happens. Thus, the things of the heavenly realm appear to “precede” and condition the things of the earthly realm. The text goes on to reveal the same about loosing…indeed, the exact same sequence of verb conjugations appear. There is, in fact, a course of events in heaven which seem to have an antecedent correlation with respect to those that happen on earth. In other words, it seems that binding and loosing happen in heaven “first.”

Exploring, further, this idea that things happen in heaven “first,” the concept involves an inherent recognition of the chronology of time. However, the Lord is eternal, existing beyond the boundaries of time. The work, then, that the Lord seems to have “already done in heaven” is a human perception of what is an eternal reality. Jesus Christ, who is eternal, has bound sin by the shedding of His blood so that the penalty of death is paid…eternally. Though it appears to have happened in Christ’s 33rd year of chronological time, a distant past to us at this point in chronological time, it actually happened in the eternal because it happened to the Lord…to the Eternal. So, what is true eternally, once seen as coming to pass on earth, appears to have happened “first” in heaven. Hence, the Lord’s prayer includes the idea that God’s people are to pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Yet, even for those who lived prior to Christ’s earthly life, the shedding of His blood could also be perceived as coming to pass “first” even though His earthly death had not yet happened in chronological time, for again, it is an Eternal Covenant (Hebrews 13:20) – applied throughout all time by faith in Christ’s blood (Romans 3:21-30 – note the word generally translated forbearance means “a release of punishment,” even as forgiveness has been defined, for sins committed before Christ died).

Stepping back, then, to re-read Matthew 16:19 with the knowledge that things will have happened eternally in heaven “first,” it is seen that whatever Peter (or anyone) would bind on earth will have already been bound in heaven, and whatever Peter (or anyone) would loose on earth will have already been loosed in heaven. God will have already done the work. This understanding reinforces the position that forgiveness is not based on human actions but on God’s work which is already realized eternally in heaven when it comes to be realized on earth.

But, how would Peter (or anyone) know that which is already bound or loosed in heaven in order to discern that which is correspondingly bound or loosed on earth? This question requires consideration of the last question: who is forgiven and why?

3) Who is forgiven and why?

So far it has been seen that God’s forgiveness is a release through Christ’s blood, of the penalty of sin which is death, and that this release happens via faith in the blood of the Eternal Covenant, appearing throughout chronological time as something that happens “first” in heaven. In other words, Peter, Christ’s disciples, and all who would come after them until the end of the age do not serve to release (forgive) sins with their own blood, but rather, serve as ambassadors on behalf of Christ to entreat people to be reconciled to God through His blood (2 Corinthians 5:14-20, Colossians 1:19-23). But, how are Christ’s agents to know what to say and what to do? Who is forgiven and who is not?

Discernment in this area comes through the Holy Spirit to which Peter (and all Christ’s people) would come to be bound once loosed from the penalty of sin through the blood of Christ. It is through a shared identity in the Holy Spirit that binding/loosing is discerned. For, Scripture reveals that Jesus considers the things that happen to each one of His people as if those things happen to Himself (See Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 9:4). So too, Scripture reveals that each one of Jesus’ people are identified with those things that happen to Him…His sufferings, His Death, His Resurrection, and His glorification etc (See John 15:18-21; Romans 6:3-8, 8:16-17). Therefore, if Jesus’ blood has bound sins as “unlawful” in the heavenly realms thereby “binding” those sins as “unlawful” in the earthly realm, it is through tight identity with Jesus – through His Holy Spirit – that Christ’s people on earth may recognize as much.

So, then, how does a person obtain Christ’s identity – His Holy Spirit – to gain this ability of discernment? Peter would later explain:

“‘36Let all the house of Israel therefore know certainly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.’ 37Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’ 38Peter said to them, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.’” (Acts 2:36-39)

The Holy Spirit is given by God to everyone who repents and is baptized. Repentance and baptism are subjects which rightfully deserve their own thorough analyses in other documents. For the purposes of this document, however, it is important to emphasize that repentance properly means “to think with” (as in along with what Christ is thinking). In the context of what Peter was preaching in Acts 2, this “thinking with” involves agreeing with Christ about sin…that sin is “unlawful” and ought to be bound as Christ has bound it; it involves a change of mind – a turning away from sin toward the way God thinks about things ( Repentance is not optional. The ability to repent (to change one’s mind about one’s sin) is another contentious issue tangential to the “free will vs. predestination” debates and is beyond the scope of this document; but again repentance must happen on earth in order for a person to receive the gift (the new binding) that is the Holy Spirit as per Acts 2:38.

Then, there is baptism. Again, this is a complicated and contentious subject. The definition of baptism is “to dip or submerge” according to There are many denominational specific views regarding baptism, but the majority view baptism as either an act symbolizing that a person has died and been buried with Christ (going down into the water) and then risen in Christ (coming back up out of the water), or as an act that symbolizes the cleansing/washing away of sins. Most denominations stress that baptism is a demonstration of obedience and a public profession of faith and commitment to the Lord. While these views serve as an encouragement for people to be baptized, full understanding of the meaning of baptism is lost without the knowledge that “water,” when used as a symbol, indicates what is spirit – either good or bad (See also this author’s writings on Foundational principles of Interpreting the Bible). A person, then, being baptized in water is a person being “dipped/emerged in what is Spirit” – as if being inundated – even thoroughly overcome (taken over as a slave) by the Lord via the Holy Spirit.

Again, repentance and baptism are not optional. The former affirms the binding of sin through Christ’s work on the Cross – the shedding of His blood to release the penalty of sin from the sinner; in other words, repentant people are freed from the penalty of sin. The latter underscores that the sinner, once loosed from the penalty of sin is “bound” to the the Lord via the Holy Spirit for obedience to the Lord. This binding of sin/loosing of the penalty of sin (related to repentance) and corresponding binding to the Lord (baptism) is how the forgiveness of sins is actualized and the receiving of the Holy Spirit is realized on earth so that what is already true in heaven may be recognized.

But, it must be remembered that while we are on earth, even after receiving the Holy Spirit, there is still the potential for us to sin (though doing so ought to lead to quick repentance), and still the potential for sin to get in the way of proper judgment. Further, we cannot see the beginning and the end of all things. We do not know if someone who is currently sinning will turn to the Lord later in repentance, or if someone who is currently repentant will later be unrepentant. Therefore, if there is any question about our hearts or another person’s heart (either now or later, remembering that God’s Covenant is eternal – applied throughout all time) we must defer to the Lord. Jesus Christ always retains the final right to judge and sentence for all sins committed by all sinners throughout all time – for the price was paid in the Eternal Covenant (Again, see this author’s writing on Foundational principles for Interpreting the Bible). Christ, when He died, having taken the penalty for sins on himself, is the only One who is justified to impute or exonerate the penalty that He bore for those sins. Thus, upon imputing the penalty for sin, the Lord establishes His vengeance (Romans 12:19); and upon exonerating – dismissing/ sending away – the penalty for sin, the Lord establishes His forgiveness.

In light of God’s right to avenge or forgive, five scenarios related to human roles in forgiveness come to light. When considering these scenarios, the reader, in carefully considering which is his/her own role (believer or unbeliever in Christ; offender or offended), will be able to more clearly discern the requirements of forgiveness as situations arise in the earthly realm.

1) Unbelievers sinning against believers in Christ

The classic example of unbelievers sinning against one of Christ’s people is that of Stephen. This disciple was described as being “full of faith and power,” and he “performed great wonders and signs among the people.” (Acts 6:8). Stephen was so closely in tune with the Holy Spirit that it is written his enemies “weren’t able to withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.” (Acts 6:10). After false witnesses lied about Stephen, he was seized and made to defend himself before a religious council. Stephen boldly witnessed Jesus Christ as the Righteous One whom they murdered (Acts 7:52) at which time the Bible records the following sequence of events:

54Now when they [the council] heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. 55But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, 56and said, ‘Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!’ 57But they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears, then rushed at him with one accord. 58They threw him out of the city and stoned him. The witnesses placed their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. 59They stoned Stephen as he called out, saying, ‘Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!’ 60He knelt down and cried with a loud voice, ‘Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!’ When he had said this, he fell asleep.” (Acts 7:54-60)

Much commentary has been written about the parallel between Stephen’s and Jesus’ pleas for their trespassers just before each of them died. For Jesus, while being crucified, said: “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

Jesus was being crucified on earth by men, but He prayed to His Father in Heaven that those who were sinning against Him would be forgiven. At first, it looks like Jesus was forgiving everyone at the scene of His crucifixion regardless of faith or repentance. But, then, again, one must pause and ask: “Why didn’t Jesus just forgive them Himself since He retained His fully divine status? Why did He not directly look at those who were trespassing against him and say “Your sins are forgiven” as He did to the paralytic in Mark 2:5?

The difference appears to be related to faith and repentance. In the scenario with the paralytic, four friends took great lengths to win the paralytic’s time before Jesus, and the text specifically notes that Jesus saw their faith. The paralytic was lying on His mat, certainly a humiliating, powerless, position – as of a subject before a king…a position which traditionally could lead to the taking off of the subject’s head if the king so chose. On the other hand, during the moments of Jesus’ crucifixion, it would appear that those who put Him on the cross did not believe in Him as Lord and were not repentant of what they were actively doing. Without faith and repentance, Jesus would not directly forgive them. He would, however, submit them to His Father, who is in Heaven, so that if there would come a point in time on earth when any of His offenders might come to faith/repentance through His Holy Spirit, they might be forgiven.

Returning, then, to Stephen’s case, it appears that He correctly discerned the forgiveness requirements. Stephen did not know if any of his offenders would, in their earthly lives, come to faith/repentance in Jesus Christ. As such, Stephen committed them to the Lord in Heaven who took those sins on Himself and would have judged rightly (in full view of all time, all circumstance, all motivations of the heart) all the sins of those who might have (or might not have) come to repentance. In other words, Stephen sent away his right to judge and sentence the sins being committed against him just as the Lord sends away (forgives) his right to hold against Stephen his sins (forgives).

As it turns out, Saul (also called Paul), who would later become one of the primary tools in the Lord’s hands for witnessing the Gospel to both Jews and Gentiles, was there approving of Stephen’s death. If Stephen had not committed his right to judge/sentence to the Lord, He may have held fast his offenders’ sins in a way that was contrary to the Lord’s ultimate judgment/sentencing of Saul (Paul). Human judgment/sentencing that is contrary to the Lord’s ultimate judgment/sentencing demonstrates a lack of faith that God will work out what is right, and a lack of obedience to the Lord’s Sovereignty over all. If Stephen would have followed the path to hold on to his human judgment/sentencing, it would have resulted in God exercising His right to hold on to judgment/sentencing for Stephen for his lack of faith and obedience.

In this there is validation of the Scripture “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” The Lord binds sin and unbinds sinners from the penalty of death in heaven “first” – that is in the Eternal. While the Lord knows who are his and has done His work in the Eternal, it is not always clear in the earthly realm and on a human level who might be repentant in the end. Therefore, it is fitting that the Lord’s people commit proper judgment/sentencing (forgiveness and unforgiveness) of sins to Him. Forgiveness, then, for the Lord’s people is not realized by forgiving sins directly…for, direct binding/loosing is God’s role – God’s forgiveness. Rather, the role of the Lord’s people in forgiveness is the willingness to send away their “right” to judge/sentence sin on a human level in the earthly realm in order to realize and agree with what God has already completed in the Eternal (which may be different from what seems to be true at a given point in chronological time). When God’s people do this, there is demonstration of faith and obedience to what the Lord has already rightfully worked out.

2) Believers in Christ sinning against an unbelievers

It is true that even though a person may have come to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that person may still sin – and the offenses may be against unbelievers or believers in Christ. Looking at an example of believers sinning against unbelievers, the following passage serves to highlight this type of scenario:

51It came to pass, when the days were near that he should be taken up, he intently set his face to go to Jerusalem 52and sent messengers before his face. They went and entered into a village of the Samaritans, so as to prepare for him. 53They didn’t receive him, because he was traveling with his face set toward Jerusalem. 54When his disciples, James and John, saw this, they said, ‘Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from the sky and destroy them, just as Elijah did?’ 55But he turned and rebuked them, ‘You don’t know of what kind of spirit you are. 56For the Son of Man didn’t come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.’” (Luke 9:51-56)

The text specifically states that messengers had been sent into a Samaritan village. With some exceptions, the Samaritans would have been “unbelievers,” a statement reinforced by the fact that they did not receive Jesus as He traveled. James and John – presumably in defense of their master – offered to “command fire to come down from the sky” to destroy the Samaritans for not receiving Jesus. Rather than affirm them, Jesus turned and rebuked them. For Jesus to have spoken with such disapproval, James and John must have thought to act in a way not fitting to the situation – in other words, in a manner of sin.

So, what is rebuke and when is it appropriate? According to, the word translated “rebuke” is “epitimao” from the root words “epi” meaning “on” and “timao” meaning “to assign value.” It is a verb that indicates putting a proper assessment (valuing/honoring) on a situation with the intention of correcting any improper assessment of a situation. With this in mind, it is seen that a rebuke inherently involves letting someone know that they are wrong about something. On a human level, rebuke may stem from an issue of fact or opinion (Romans 14:1). But, when a rebuke comes from the Lord, it is likely that the issue is not merely one of opinion. Jesus, knowing and living out the proper way before God, set an example by which His people may live – not for squabbling over things of opinion, but for properly chastising when necessary. In this situation, Jesus rightfully assessed that the Samaritan village ought not to be destroyed, and with this right assessment corrected James’ and John’s thought to do so.

Is rebuke ever inappropriate? Yes. A rebuke is inappropriate if the person rebuking is actually wrong about the assessment of a situation. For example, in the passage from Matthew 16, just after teaching about binding/loosing, Jesus started teaching that he would be killed and on the third day raised up. The text says that “22Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, ‘Far be it from you, Lord! This will never be done to you.’” (Matthew 16:22) Peter’s rebuke (his assessment of the situation), however, was not appropriate because Jesus, then, turned to rebuke Peter saying, Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, for you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of men.” (Matthew 16:23) So, Peter, while initiating rebuke, was actually the one in the wrong and ended up being rebuked for the error in his thinking.

There is something else to keep in mind. When considering an appropriately delivered rebuke by a believer, it is possible – even probable – that the rebuke might cause inflamed anger and increased propensity for sin rather than reasonable correction. This certainly was the case in the previous section. Stephen’s rebuke of his audience was necessary, for sin had been committed. But, to be the one to tell people that they were wrong for committing murder, and that they, in fact, murdered God, would have been a challenging thing to do. Yet, in obedience to the Spirit which filled him, Stephen testified. Sadly, the consequences of his testimony resulted in increased sin in those who did not believe…it resulted in another murder… that is, his own death. So, it is seen that proper attempts at correction of sin may not always go well for the one rebuking. But, it is still necessary to open up the potential for repentance and behavioral correction.

Turning back to look at the scenario where Jesus fittingly rebuked his disciples for their inappropriate attitudes against the Samaritan unbelievers, it is likely that the rebuke was more successful in changing James’ and John’s behavior. The rebuke of Christ toward James and John included a reminder to them of Christ’ purpose (to save) and the Spirit of which they would have been bound together – not only with other believers, but also potentially with those who, at that moment in chronological time, were unbelieving but might later have come to believe. Again, such rebuke is necessary to begin the turning toward right thinking – that is repentance – even as will be seen further in the next examples.

3) Believers in Christ sinning against believers in Christ

a) When there might be repentance

Again, even though a person may have come to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, that person may still sin. When a believer sins against another believer, it is particularly heart breaking. Three examples demonstrate the process of forgiveness when an offended believer stands against an offending believer and repentance may or may not come into view. First is the situation between Peter and Paul at Antioch:

8…for he [God] who worked through Peter in the apostleship with the circumcised also worked through me with the Gentiles— 9and when they perceived the grace that was given to me, James and Cephas and John, those who were reputed to be pillars, gave to Barnabas and me the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision. 10They only asked us to remember the poor—which very thing I was also zealous to do. 11But when Peter came to Antioch, I resisted him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12For before some people came from James, he ate with the Gentiles. But when they came, he drew back and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. 13And the rest of the Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy. 14But when I saw that they didn’t walk uprightly according to the truth of the Good News, I said to Peter before them all, ‘If you, being a Jew, live as the Gentiles do, and not as the Jews do, why do you compel the Gentiles to live as the Jews do? 15We, being Jews by nature and not Gentile sinners, 16yet knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, even we believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because no flesh will be justified by the works of the law.’” (Galatians 2:8-16)

The foremost question is this: “Against whom was Peter – and the rest of the Jews who joined him – sinning?” The initial answer would be that he, and those following him, were sinning against Gentile Christians. But, because the Gentile Christians had also been justified by faith in Christ, being identified with Him, Peter’s and his cohort’s sin extended to Jesus. Indeed, the Gentile Christians were also covered by Christ’s blood which paid for their sins. To deny it, as Peter’s actions demonstrated, was to sin against the blood of Christ.

But, what gave Paul the right to stand against Peter? It wasn’t against Paul, perse, that Peter was sinning. Or was it? It has been asserted that “Jesus considers the things that happen to each one of His people as if those things happen to Himself. So too, Scripture reveals that each one of Jesus’ people are identified with those things that happen to Him.” But, even more than this, each person identified with Christ ought to not only identify with Him, but also to each other person identified with Him. That is, each “one out of the Body of Christ” is part of every other “one out of the Body of Christ” through the Holy Spirit, so that there should be no division in the Body that is the whole. This identification of Christ’s people with each other gave Paul the right – even the obligation – to stand up for fellow believers against those who were sinning against them.

The next question is: “How ought correction to happen?” Paul demonstrated the responsibility of a believer to rebuke the sin of another believer, even as was seen in the previous example with James and John. For, what follows the highlighted part of the passage above is chastisement from Paul toward Peter, and those following him. The goal of the rebuke was to prompt repentance for behavioral correction. In this case, Peter must have repented such that Paul gained back his brother in Christ. For Peter later wrote about mercy to those who previously had not been a people (Gentiles; 1 Peter 2:10) and refers to Paul as “our beloved brother Paul” who wrote with wisdom (2 Peter 3:15-16).

In the period of time before Peter repented, Paul would have been right to commit to the Lord the binding of Peter’s sin. He would have been right to “send away” his license to judge/sentence so that the Lord’s ultimate judgment/sentencing might be recognized. For Paul would not have known if/when Peter would repent. But, once Peter repented, it would have been incumbent upon Paul to agree with the Lord in His forgiveness of him. For Scriptures states that “If your brother sins against you, rebuke him (which Paul did) and if he repents (which Peter did), forgive him (which we suspect Paul would have done).” (Luke 17:3)

This example of the sin of a believer against other believers reveals that such situations call for the offended to rebuke the offender, urge him/her to repent, and then commit the situation to the Lord in wait for Him to reveal what He has rightfully worked out in the Eternal. This last step is in keeping with the role of the offended in the process of forgiveness so that may what is true in the heavenly realm be realized in the earthly realm. For it is in “committing the situation to the Lord” that the offended party “sends away his/her right to judge/sentence sin on a human level in the earthly realm in order to realize what God has already completed in the heavenly realm.” And it is in “waiting on the Lord” that the offended believer demonstrates agreement with the Lord in faith that the Lord really has worked out what is right in the Eternal so that His will would be done “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Thus, the path to restoration of relationships for believers, who will certainly, at times, continue to sin against each other in the earthly realm, is through rebuke for the possibility of genuine repentance. In the case between Peter and Paul, it appears the rebuke/call to repentance was successful in that Peter appears to have responded, in time, with “fruit in keeping with repentance” as seen in his writings. But what if there is more ambiguity?

b) When repentance is questionable

From Biblical and extra-Biblical accounts, Peter and Paul were steadfast in Christ, walking by the Spirit, in continual repentance/service of the Lord to the end of their lives. But, other situations between believers in Christ have not been so clear. One example is the situation with Simon the sorcerer:

9But there was a certain man, Simon by name, who used to practice sorcery in the city and amazed the people of Samaria, making himself out to be some great one…10to whom they all listened, from the least to the greatest, saying, ‘This man is that great power of God.’ 11They listened to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his sorceries. 12But when they believed Philip preaching good news concerning God’s Kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. 13Simon himself also believed. Being baptized, he continued with Philip. Seeing signs and great miracles occurring, he was amazed. 14Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, 15who, when they had come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit; 16for as yet he had fallen on none of them. They had only been baptized in the name of Christ Jesus. 17Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. 18Now when Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money, 19saying, ‘Give me also this power, that whomever I lay my hands on may receive the Holy Spirit.’ 20But Peter said to him,May your silver (“argurion”) perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money (“chrema”)! 21You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart isn’t right before God. 22Repent therefore of this, your wickedness, and ask God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. 23For I see that you are in the poison of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity.’ 24Simon answered, ‘Pray for me to the Lord, that none of the things which you have spoken happen to me.’” (Acts 8:9-24)

In this scenario, the Bible clearly states that Simon believed and was baptized (vs 13). Setting aside, for the purposes of this document, the controversy regarding the idea that one may be baptized and not yet have received the Holy Spirit, there must be a focus on what was Simon’s sin. The text states, “when Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money…that whomever I lay my hands on may receive the Holy Spirit.” How was this a sin?

First, it must be understood what Simon was desiring. What is the “laying on of hands”? As has been written by this author in the document of “Symbolism,” the hand symbolizes works/deeds done within the scope one’s domain/sphere of influence. So, Simon wanted “the ability of giving Holy Spirit (works/deeds)” to be within the scope of his domain/sphere of influence. But, Peter, knowing Simon had not received the Holy Spirit, knew therefore, that he had “neither part nor lot” in the matter (vs 16). Peter and the other disciples were able to confer the Spirit upon other people because they already had, in their domain/sphere of influence, the Holy Spirit within themselves. But, Simon could not confer what he did not have.

Analyzing further, the fact that Simon wanted to pay money for the power to transfer the Holy Spirit to others reveals that He didn’t understand the work of Christ, and the gift of God. For, Peter used two words related to money – leading to two lines of reasoning regarding Simon’s sin – in his chastisement of Simon:

The first word Peter used related to money was the word “argurion” translated silver. Silver was specifically required to make restitution when someone accidentally sinned against Yahweh’s holy things (Leviticus 5:15-16). Proper restitution, however, involved adding 1/5 part to it (20%) which is the number of redemption – the part Jesus paid with His blood. As has been seen, repentance is the path of agreeing with Christ about the unlawfulness/binding of sin…the way in which Jesus’ blood is applied to pay the penalty of sin which is death. Peter called Simon to repent, for he saw that, for Simon, the “1/5 part (20%) silver (Christ’s part)” had not been added in order to make proper restitution. So, despite belief and baptism, Simon still had not repented to be free of the “bondage of iniquity.” In other words, Simon was not yet bound to the Lord for he was still bound by the penalty of sin.

The second word Peter used related to money was the same word Simon used, “chrema,” which is what is used to gain possession of things in the earthly realm. But, the Holy Spirit cannot be gained or manipulated by any earthly means. The Sprit is not earned, not purchased; but, rather the Spirit is gifted by Christ, the Son, from the Father (John 14:26, 15:26). To try to gain or force the Spirit in a way other than through the Lord’s gifting is to perish. For, the gifting correlates with the Lord’s forgiveness of sins. The forcing, without the forgiveness of sins, brings God’s wrath. If Simon’s desire had actually come to pass, then he would have faced God without forgiveness. Hence, Peter appropriately said “may your silver perish with you,” and “may the thought of your heart be forgiven you.”

So, it is seen that Peter appropriately rebuked Simon and called him to repentance. But did he repent? It is questionable. The text, in terms of what happened in the immediate, reveals what looks like repentance, at least temporarily, when Simon said to Peter, “Pray for me to the Lord, that none of the things which you have spoken happen to me.” There is no additional indication directly from the Bible as to what happened to Simon – whether he continued in repentance, perished in sin, or wavered between sin and forgiveness. Extra-Biblically, there are several accounts of what may have happened to Simon, but his end seems to be unverifiable.

Nevertheless, at the time of Peter’s chastisement, there would have remained opportunity for Simon to repent – otherwise Peter would not have called him to such. Peter, then, having rebuked Simon and called him to repentance, would have been expected to commit the situation to the Lord in wait for Him to reveal what He has rightfully worked out in the Eternal. Even if Simon was wavering, and repented as many as seventy times seven, then Peter would have been expected to forgive (send away his right to judge/sentence) just as much (Matthew 18:22). But, what if it is clear that there is no repentance?

c) When it is absolutely clear that there is no repentance

The previous two examples showed the need for rebuke and repentance – the first scenario illustrating the requirements related to forgiveness where there is clear repentance, and the second where there is questionable repentance. There is a third potential scenario…the situation in which there is clearly no repentance. Ananias and Sapphira serve as an example of such a scenario:

31When they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were gathered together. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. 32The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul. Not one of them claimed that anything of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. 33With great power, the apostles gave their testimony of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Great grace was on them all. 34For neither was there among them any who lacked, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need. 36Joses, who by the apostles was also called Barnabas (which is, being interpreted, Son of Encouragement), a Levite, a man of Cyprus by race, 37having a field, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet. 1But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, 2and kept back part of the price, his wife also being aware of it, then brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. 3But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4While you kept it, didn’t it remain your own? After it was sold, wasn’t it in your power? How is it that you have conceived this thing in your heart? You haven’t lied to men, but to God.’ 5Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and died. Great fear came on all who heard these things. 6The young men arose and wrapped him up, and they carried him out and buried him. 7About three hours later, his wife, not knowing what had happened, came in. 8Peter answered her, ‘Tell me whether you sold the land for so much.’ She said, ‘Yes, for so much.’ 9But Peter asked her, ‘How is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.’ 10She fell down immediately at his feet and died. The young men came in and found her dead, and they carried her out and buried her by her husband. 11Great fear came on the whole assembly, and on all who heard these things.” (Acts 4:31-511)

This text follows the incident when Peter and John had been put in the custody of the authorities overnight in order to face the rulers, elders, and scribes of Israel the next morning to determine their fate for healing a lame person and “proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead” (Acts 4:2-6). After being questioned and threatened, the disciples were released and “returned to their own company” (Acts 4:23). This “company,” then, according to this text, prayed, and the place where they were gathered together was shaken. Further, this company was specifically said to be “filled with the Holy Spirit.” (vs 31). Next it is mentioned that the “multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul” – a state which is rare…neigh impossible…without the binding together of the Holy Spirit from verse 31. It was this group of people who shared everything, including possessions.

It is in the context of this group of people who were filled with the Holy Spirit and were one in heart and soul (and possessions), that the incident with Ananias and Sapphira is recorded. The group was considered as “one.” The concept of a person being “one” with any other person (nonetheless a multitude of people realizing this state) is only possible through the Holy Spirit. Ananias and Sapphira were part of this “one” Body that has been redeemed by Christ’s blood (freed from the penalty of sin which is death) – identified with Christ – and bound to the Lord through the Spirit. That this couple is counted as part of the group – filled with the Holy Spirit, being one in heart and soul, and not claiming “that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common” is clear when they were motivated to sell a possession and lay money from it at the Apostles’ feet just as others in the group – notably Barnabas – had done.

But, they kept part of the money back for themselves (vs 2). Again, as with the previous scenario, money was involved where sin occurred. As has been stated, money is what is used to gain possession of things in the earthly realm. It is unknown as to how much of the money Ananias and Sapphira agreed to keep back for themselves, but they made it seem (and Sapphira even confirmed) as if they had given the full amount when they had not. The part of the money that they held back, then, was a part separated from the group – separated from the “one.”

But, to be separated from the “one” means that there was separation, then, from the Holy Spirit. Again, it has been stated that to be freed (loosed) from sin and death is to be bound to righteousness and life. But, then, to be freed (loosed) from righteousness and life is to be bound to sin and death. While much controversy revolves around whether Ananias and Sapphira were actually filled with the Holy Spirit, their end dictates that they must have, in fact, been bound as such. For when Peter confronts them with their sin – the sin of unbinding (loosing) something from the group identified with Christ through the Spirit, there was immediate death…so, it was proved that, indeed, loosing from righteousness and life – breaking the bonds of the Holy Spirit – means binding to sin and death.

There are those who might contend that Ananias and Sapphira were not filled with the Holy Spirit. But these, then, must explain why the Lord would have allowed the penalty of death without a chance to repent. Indeed, there was no call to repent, barely time to for each to comprehend the truth of what Peter had spoken and the connection with what Jesus had taught…32Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in that which is to come.” (Matthew 12:32). Therefore, repentance for sins against Jesus, the Son, are forgiven in the Eternal covenant (the penalty paid by His blood) and re-repentance in the earthly realm may be necessary even up to seventy times seven. But, loosing from the Holy Spirit – breaking the bond of baptism – reinstates the penalty of death and is not forgiven.

In summary the following has been discerned:

  1. Everyone is bound to the law which reveals disobedience/sin.

  2. A person, being bound to the Law will inevitably break (loose) the law (Romans 3:23), and therefore, become bound to the penalty of breaking the law – the penalty of sin which is death.

  3. Sin is what needs to be “bound as unlawful” through the death/blood of Christ so that sinners may be loosed from the penalty of sin which is death.

  4. Once sin is “bound” (declared unlawful) and the sinner loosed from the penalty of sin through the shedding of Christ’s blood, the sinner is in bondage to the Lord through the Holy Spirit.

  5. God’s forgiveness is the release, through Christ’s blood, of the penalty of sin which is death Forgiveness is not, in actuality, the release of the person – for the person is always bound – either to the Law of sin/death or to the Law of Spirit/Life.

  6. The binding (and loosing) action which might take place on earth is something that will have already been completed in heaven if it happens. God will have already done the work in the Eternal when things are realized in chronological time.

  7. It is through a shared identity in the Holy Spirit, received upon repentance and baptism, that binding/loosing is discerned such that there may be agreement with the work the Lord has done in the Eternal.

  8. The role of the Lord’s people in forgiveness, is the willingness to defer to the Lord…to “send away” the right to judge/sentence sin on a human level in the earthly realm…in order to realize and agree with what God has already completed in the Eternal.

  9. Repentance, meaning “to think with” (as in along with what Christ is thinking), affirms the binding of sin through Christ’s work on the Cross – the shedding of His blood to release the penalty of sin from the sinner (repentant people are released from the penalty to sin). Repentance is not optional.

  10. Baptism, meaning “to dip or submerge,” symbolizes the oncoming binding of the Lord underscoring the fact that the sinner, once loosed from the penalty of sin is still “bound” – but bound to the the Lord via the Holy Spirit for obedience to Life. Baptism is not optional.

  11. If there is any question about our hearts or another persons heart (either now or later remembering that God’s Covenant is eternal, applied throughout all time) we must defer to the Lord.

  12. Appropriate rebuke, where there is sin, is necessary to prompt repentance and correction of behavior.

  13. Repentance for sins against Jesus, the Son, are forgiven in the Eternal covenant (the penalty paid by His blood); thus, re-repentance even to seventy times seven in the earthly realm may be necessary. But, loosing from the Holy Spirit – breaking the bond of baptism – reinstates the penalty of death and is not forgiven.

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If athletes get athlete’s foot, what do candy makers get?

Q: If athletes get athlete’s foot, what do candy makers get?
A: Tic tac toe

As someone that runs a soda fountain it seems like a legit concern for me.

Now that Halloween is over Shannon discovered that I swapped all the wrappers on her candy. She didn’t appreciate the joke at all. Now she’s got her Snickers in a Twix over it.

We did make a pretty cool candy dispenser if you have some M&Ms, Skittles, or Reese’s Pieces.


Apparently we’re going to be pretty busy this weekend for our LEGO competition. According to the elementary teacher that runs it, we’re going to have kids lined up for blocks. Ms Loshonkohl is looking forward to the chaos and joy that it will bring to our store this Saturday. It is intended for children ages K-5 and will take place at 11 AM. There is no entry fee, we provide the LEGOs, and there will be prizes for various categories.

We know Tuesday is a big day! It will be the final day of our Ice Cream Election. Be sure to vote for your favorite ice creams so we can serve them on Veteran’s Day.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Choose your preferred fruity flavored ice cream.
97 votes · 97 answers

Choose your preferred nutty flavored ice cream?
111 votes · 111 answers

I know a lot of people have been expressing concerns about politics recently. I have started explaining that when you look at the Greek root words that are used to make up the term politics, it only makes sense.

poly – means many
tick – a blood sucking parasite

I should probably share what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, November 1st, 6:00ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games. We are starting a little early tonight for some people to play a game called Power Grid.
  • Saturday, November 2nd, 11AM, LEGO Contest ~ Join us for an exciting LEGO Competition open to the public for kinds in Kindergarten through Fifth grade. There is no entry fee and there will be prizes for various age categories.
  • Saturday, November 2nd, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, November 2nd, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing, ‘When should we disobey the government?’.
  • Tuesday, November 5th 24th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ We just finished the book of Lamentations and we are enjoying an evening of prayer for our elections and playing a game. Next week will be the beginning of a new series on the book of Revelation.
  • Thursday, November 7th, 5:15PM – Book Club ~ Join us for our new Book Club. We will be discussing Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
  • Wednesday, November 20th,  5PM – 7PM, Sing ~ In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling theater impresario’s attempt to save his theater with a singing competition becomes grander than he anticipates even as its finalists find that their lives will never be the same.

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving a Loaded Hash Brown Potato Soup and Kielbasa sandwiches. Our specialty ice creams are Cookie Doughlicious and Pumpkin.

Thanks and God bless,

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The Ice Cream Ballot

As everyone seems stressed out about the impending election, we thought we would try and offer up some new (and maybe better candidates). Introducing Lost and Found Pharmacy’s ice cream ballot. We encourage everyone to cross party lines and vote for one flavor belonging to each party.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Choose your preferred fruity flavored ice cream.
97 votes · 97 answers

Choose your preferred nutty flavored ice cream?
111 votes · 111 answers

The above polls will close on November 5th and final results will be readily viewable on the 6th.

Something other than elections that can also be potentially scary is Halloween. I recently learned that Jehovah’s witnesses don’t celebrate Halloween. Apparently they don’t like random people knocking on their doors.

I took a quiz to determine what my Halloween spirit is. Apparently, deep down inside, I’m a skeleton.

Last year for Halloween, I had a kid show up at my home without a costume but holding a sign that said, “I love ceilings.” I asked him what he was supposed to be. Apparently he was a ceiling fan.

I do want to remind everyone that we have a new LEGO competition coming up on the second of November. If you have any children or know some children that you could borrow stop in and enjoy the free LEGO contest. There are even prizes for various age groups.

Also, there has been a lot of interest in our new Book Club. They had their first meeting and chose a book titled, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. They will have their next meeting to discuss the book on the first Thursday in November.

Please note that the book club now meets on the first Thursday of every month.

Let’s talk about what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, October 4th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
  • Saturday, October 5th, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, October 5th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing, ‘How should Christians filter pop culture?’.
  • Tuesday, October 8th 24th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ I wonder if our Tuesday night Bible study counts as a book club. Of course we’ve been stuck on the same book for about 16 years now. Currently we are studying Lamentations.
  • Every Wednesday starting in September, 5:30PM – 7PM, Rings of Power – Season 2 ~ An epic drama set thousands of years before The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, following the rise and fall of kingdoms and the re-emergence of evil in Middle-earth. We will watch the entire second season which is just preparing to be released.
  • Friday, October 4th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
  • Saturday, November 2nd, 11AM, LEGO Contest ~ Join us for an exciting LEGO Competition open to the public for kinds in Kindergarten through Fifth grade. There is no entry fee and there will be prizes for various age categories.
  • Thursday, November 7th, 5:15PM – Book Club ~ Join us for our new Book Club. We will be discussing Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving Lasagna Soup and everyone seems to love our new sandwich, the Monte Cristo. Our specialty ice creams are Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffle and Caramel Cheese Cake.

Thanks and God bless,

Get Directions


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Basket Winners, LEGO Winners, and a Book Club

I just finished writing my book on penguins. My publisher said it would have been better if I had written it on paper.

So this week we have lots to talk about including the winners of our recent raffle basket drawing, the winners of our recent LEGO competition, and our first Book Club meeting at the end of the month. Without further ado, the raffle basket winners are:

  1. Dog Basket – Angela Lovegs
  2. A Towel for all Seasons – Hand Towels – Renee Teichman
  3. Freedom Square basket – Laura Hendricks
  4. Spa Basket – Gary Gray
  5. Happy Birthday Basket – Laura Hendricks
  6. Keeley’s Basket – Mary Ruth Aull
  7. Kate Spade New York – Karen Majersky
  8. Back to School – Leslie Dobbs
  9. Lilly Spray – Tall – J Asher
  10. Lego Basket – Debbie
  11. Puzzles for Everyone – Wendy Redington
  12. Home and Kitchen Christmas – Antoinette Gordon
  13. Fun at home stack – Julie Caryl
  14. Bird Lover’s Basket – Arlene Longstreth
  15. Table Sleigh – Lucy Siracusa
  16. I love Cocoa – Marsha Posey
  17. Toy Basket (Boy) – Sue Bonomo
  18. Bath and Body Works – Gary Gray
  19. Kitchen Basket – Kathy Hunt
  20. Hickory Farms – Peg Boss
  21. Thankful and Blessed – Jodi Hudzinski
  22. Toy Box (girl) – Diane Santoriello
  23. Elk County Basket – Emilia Schumer
  24. Silver Santa – Gail Harrison
  25. Secret Eggs – Anna Loshonkohl
  26. Americana Basket – Debbie Blough
  27. Coffee Items – Cheryl Stettmeier
  28. Girls Back to School – Jeanne Emerick
  29. Christmas Basket – Tom Kellner
  30. TV – Linda Slivka
  31. Faith and Tea – Carol D’Amico
  32. Golf Basket – Judy Chick
  33. Army throw – Emenet Richardson
  34. Foot Soak Basket – Cornelius Stanton, Esquire
  35. Craft Box – Anna Theresa Kayner
  36. Fall Basket – Cindy Puzzotto
  37. Date Game Night – John Skanderson
  38. Steelers Basket (This box gets picked three times)
    1. Grand Prize: Dick Shorthouse
    2. Second Prize: Marla Fruhlinger
    3. Third Prize: Diane Vyrne
  39. Coke Basket – Gary Gray
  40. Basket of Purple Mums – Carol Weaver
  41. Peacock Basket – Erika Zajdel
  42. Apple Basket – Kate Konopka
  43. Candy Canisters – Beth Strauss
  44. Air Fryer – Ann Turnock
  45. Beach Basket – Julie Caryl
  46. Steeler’s Bedding – Yvonne Brynda
  47. Book Lover’s Basket – Janet Amato
  48. StoryTime – Tammy Newport

Not only did we have a great deal of winners with our basket raffle but we had a LEGO competition as well. The Following were the winners in each category including a shark teacher teaching a skeleton kid built by Marshal, a tricked out book bag along with a school locker full of hats built by Viara, and a mountain top school office built by Grace!

Of course I’m always really careful after we have our LEGO competitions. One time I stepped on a metal LEGO and I was worried that I was going to contract Tetris.

I want to remind everyone that our new Book Club is having its first ever meeting this coming Thursday and that at the meeting the first book will be selected. The Book Club will regularly meet on the last Thursday of every month at 5PM.

I’ve been working on writing a book. I had my parents read the book I was writing. They said the main character wasn’t likeable.

It was an autobiography…

In truth I have been writing a web serial, it’s like writing a book but I post a chapter each week in rough draft form. Anyone that knows me shouldn’t be surprised to discover that it’s science fiction. It’s titled Gangsters and Aliens and so far I’ve posted the prologue and the first three chapters. Feel free to check it out on Royal Road, a popular site for hosting web serials.

Let’s talk about what else we have coming up in the not too distant future:

  • Friday, September 20th, 6:30ish – 9ish, Board Game Night ~ This has long been a tradition to come in on a Friday and have fun playing games.
  • Saturday, September 21st, 1PM – 3PM, Tech Help ~ We are a handful of tech heads that like technology and would like to help you with your stuff. We can help with cell phone, tablet, and computer problems/questions. We can talk with you about the latest tech like streaming TV, home security, cyber security, etc. This is all done for free, you just need to come in and ask for help.
  • Saturday, September 21st, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bereans Group ~ This group, which is open to the public, we always discuss tough theological questions and rarely come to consensus. This time we are discussing, ‘Trust Issues’.
  • Tuesday, September 24th, 7PM – 8:30PM, Bible Study ~ I wonder if our Tuesday night Bible study counts as a book club. Of course we’ve been stuck on the same book for about 16 years now. Currently we are studying Lamentations.
  • Every Wednesday starting in September, 5:30PM – 7PM, Rings of Power – Season 2 ~ An epic drama set thousands of years before The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, following the rise and fall of kingdoms and the re-emergence of evil in Middle-earth. We will watch the entire second season which is just preparing to be released.
  • Thursday, September 26th, 5PM – Book Club ~ Join us for our first ever Book Club meeting. We will look at some options for various books as we kick off our newest club.

Now for the part everyone always asks about, the actual food! We our serving Lasagna Soup and everyone seems to love our new sandwich, the Monte Cristo. Our specialty ice creams are Pumpkin and Oatmeal Cookie Crave.

Thanks and God bless,

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