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Story 20

Aren’t you the Merchant?

Just as you, your first officer, and your engineer enter a local diner, a well dressed party of three are settling up with the waitress and a server tells you that they’ll have a table for you in a couple of minutes. You nod your head and several minutes later the waitress is seating your party.

“Well that was convenient getting seats so fast at this time of day.”, you comment to your waitress.

“The guys that were just at this table were waiting for some sort of business meeting so all they had ordered we’re a couple of raktajinos and an ice water. After twenty minutes had passed they apologized for holding up a table during lunch, paid for their drinks, and left.”

Your engineer has a little smile as she comments, “The best part of this story is that I now know you make raktajinos. I’d like to order one myself while I decide what I want to eat.”

You and your first officer also order beverages, and when the waitress brings everyone their drinks the three of you place your lunch orders as well. Just as the waitress takes your lunch order back to the kitchen, a middle aged man in a rumpled suit comes to your table.

“I’m so glad the three of you waited for me. Traffic was a bear and I hate trying to message people while I’m driving.”

The waitress reappears, “Hey sugar, can I take your order?”

The man twists around to see the waitress, “I’ll take a water with whatever alkalizing fruit you offer to garnish it with here, and your daily special listed on the board up front.”

“How do you like your beefalo?”


“I’ll be right back with your water, but the kitchen is pretty busy, so it’ll be a few ticks till your food is ready.”

“That’s the first thing that has gone right for me today, I’ll need the time to pitch my invention. Also, put everyone at this table on my bill.”

Your first officer starts to object, but you just clear your throat and say, “I’m looking forward to learning all about your invention.”

As it turns out, the guy in the rumpled suit is named Emory Erickson and he has developed an amazing piece of technology, the transporter pad. It can near instantaneously teleport an object or objects. It can teleport solids, liquids, gasses, even organic materials. Despite having a Heisenberg compensator to help with the uncertainty related to the position of subatomic particles it is not considered adequately safe to transport living creatures or electronics with quantum computing. It can either teleport items to the pad or away from the pad, but it can not do both simultaneously. The transporter pad has a range of five spaces. 

“I have to admit, I’m really glad that you brought an engineer with you. I thought I would be stuck just talking to a bunch of suits entirely focused on ROI.”, states Emory.

Your first officer speaks up, “Well understanding how it works, makes the ability to save on fuel and time much more obvious.”

At this point, you chime in, “Well we should get down to brass tacks. How much are you asking for a device that has yet to be tried in a true commercial environment?”

Emory replies, “So, knowing this last part was going to be inevitable, I actually drafted two sales agreements. Obviously you’re going to want to take a few ticks and read them carefully, but the basic gist is that either you can pay 2,000 credits to fully own it immediately, or you have to agree to wire me 50% of your next three sales regardless of whether you use the transporter pad for the sale or not. If you’re so inclined all you need to do is thumb the pad.”

You have several options at this point:

  1. Buy the transporter pad for 2,000 credits.
  2. Buy the transporter pad for 50% of your next three sales (rounded up when necessitated).
  3. Walk away having had a nice free lunch on Dr. Erickson’s dime, but without the transporter pad.

Regardless of what decision you make, if you have any actions left, you may continue your turn.

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Story 19


Respawn in two different locations on the board using the respawning rules. If the same position is acquired for both respawns, re-roll your second respawn, and place the Bilocation cube on the second location. 

Something is wrong! You’ve never heard of anyone feeling like this when they respawned. You try focusing on your instrument panels to see where you respawned at and it’s almost like double vision except the two images aren’t quite the same. The instrument panels themselves seem ok, but it’s the readout, or is it readouts? The display seems to show two different locations. You close your eyes and focus for a moment, and then look back at the instruments. You can see that you are looking through two different sets of eyes. With that in mind you can discern separate instrument panels on separate identical ships and you are on both. Whether everyone on your crew has ever respawned after a catastrophic space event or not, they all realize something is wrong. You can tell that you are in two separate positions in space simultaneously. It makes discerning the two places from each other difficult, but with focus you can tell the difference.

Being in two locations at once is wrong and you know it. You need to merge your two instances by flying to the same location. You have four full rounds to achieve this, or both copies of your ship are destroyed and you respawn once more in a single location. Meanwhile both ships somehow share resources. 

Use the Bilocation Card along with a silver set of armed markers and an impulse token and four damage markers to track things that specifically impact the Bilocation Cube. Take a moment and look at the Bilocation Card.

Near the top of the card is a round tracker. Use the damage tokens to track the completion of each round. At the end of each round place a damage marker on the round tracker. If the ships are not yet merged prior to the forth marker being placed both ships will blow up and you will respawn in a single location with just one ship. The Armed and Disarmed markers are managed the same way as on your ship mat, and both ships have the ability to utilize their impulse.

When using your silver colored markers to do various things with the Bilocation Cube they also use up activation spaces on your Outfits. As an example, one ship could use your Engine Outfit twice and the other could use it once and now all three available activations have been utilized. On the positive side, between both ships you could take up to eight actions if you needed to utilize various outfits. Each marker re-armed does require one energy regardless of which ship needs to have a marker re-armed. You may, as always, choose to leave some of the markers disarmed. Both ships do have an impulse token. You also share cargo holds, so you could pick up cargo on one planet, give the cargo one round to fully merge with both ships and sell it on another planet from the other ship. You may also use your bilocation to speed up completion of Mission and Goals if new missions are picked up during this time. If one ship is damaged or destroyed it affects both ships. A good bonus is that if either ship ends its turn on a living planet,  the Energy tracker may be moved to full and all markers may be moved to armed. Ship special abilities can still only be activated once per round.

Merging both ships together before the end of the fourth round prevents the ships from being destroyed and earns you 1 Fame Point.

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Story 18

Cinder-Beard the Retiree

A comm comes in and you nod to one of your officers to put it on. As your screen resolves you see one of the great menaces of the black ocean, Cinder-Beard the Pirate.

“Avast ye! I come with an offer.

In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labor; but in this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power; and who would not balance creditor on this side, when all the hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour look or two at choking. No, a merry life for me which I expected would be much shorter. When I started this my beard was solid black, but now it is gray all the way through.

It is a glorious thing To be a Pirate King, but now I look for my swan song through a passing of the baton, as it would be. I offer up my ship and my own base, Athamantis, but for some coin as I look to retire to a calmer life fit for a prince.

I will give you each one stand to make an offer and then leave access to my effects at the Kiln, but know that I will not accept too paltry a sum.”

With that final pronouncement, the view screen fades to black, but the appearance of the garishly dressed old salt remains in your mind.

Your comm officer cuts into your thoughts, “It appears that his message was sent on a tight beam to a very limited audience.”

You simply nod, as that is about what you expected.

Each player, at the end of their turn, may make a silent offer to purchase both Cinder-Beard’s ship and his asteroid base. After every player has had an opportunity to make a silent bid, writing the number down, all the bids are revealed. If the bid is for less than 5,000 credits, it is thrown out as not being a serious offer. The highest bid wins and immediately wires the funds to Cinder-Beard. Remove Cinder-Beard’s ship from the board and place Athamantis Asteroid Base at TK-421 on a space with asteroid debris (the winner of the auction may choose the precise location). If for some reason that sector has not been revealed, as soon as it is revealed you may place Athamantis then. 

If you are the winner of this silent auction, receive your new ship at the Kiln. You may sell your current ship at 50% value. You will need the ship that was flown by Cinder-Beard to access the Athamantis Asteroid Base. Your new ship does begin play with an outlaw marker and add 1,000 credits to any bounty you currently have. Athamantis can only be accessed by you and is well protected. You may safely dock there to avoid entanglements, you can store supplies and materials there, and its generators produce enough excess power that you could refuel your ship up to 10 energy if you dock there. Winner of the auction also gains 2 fame points.

Clarifications: If there is a tie, then those players may make additional bids out loud until there is a winner. If no one makes an adequate bid, Cinder-Beard simply does not retire, and the asteroid base does not come out. 

Additional info about the Athamantis Asteroid Base: Only Cinder-Beard’s old ship can dock there, no other ship can. The asteroid debris space functions as regular asteroid debris for others when trying to pass through, but when Cinder-Beard’s former ship passes through that area it does not need to roll for damage.

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Story 17

Space Dad

While docked at the Kiln, a text only comm comes through letting you know that your father is also visiting the station and would like you to join him in the Casino during dinner. You figure that you haven’t seen him for awhile, and that it would be good to catch up.

– – – –

Upon arriving at the Casino, you let them know whom you are here to meet with and they show you to your table. Apparently you got here ahead of your father as no one else is at the table.

The lights go dim and curtains part revealing a stage with a familiar looking man under the spotlight.

“Good evening ladies, gentlemen, Ilex.”, your dad declares while looking around the room. “Did you know that the Ilex are their own best friend?”

“I’ve been asked to do some stand-up comedy, but really I prefer to sit down.” Your dad gives a meaningful look at the stool he’s seated on. “I love telling jokes, but it’s even better when one of your children is in the audience. Hey Kiddo, wanna hear a joke?”

Another stage light finds your table, “No thanks.”

“Awesome possum, I have some great ones for you.”

“Wait, that’s the opposite of what I just said.”

“Oh look, here’s a ukulele. Maybe I can sing them instead.”

As your dad begins to strum the ukulele, you let your head ‘thunk’ on the table. Then the song begins…”

This is my Dad’s joke song
I sing it with socks and sandles on
I hear you groan but it’s true-oooh
You smile on the inside too
When vegans start to argue, is it still called a beef?
I knew someone addicted to soap, but now they’re clean.
I like puns, that’s how ‘eye’ roll.
I know they’re terrible, but I made them musical so sing along
This is my Dad’s joke song
I sing it with socks and sandles on
I hear you groan but it’s true-oooh
You smile on the inside too…

The routine continues and somehow the audience ends up liking your dad. Your dad’s inclusion of you in his routine even gains you some notoriety on the Kiln. (+1 Fame Point)

If you have any actions left, you may continue your turn.

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Story 16

The Great Reset

You hear a strange insect-like buzzing noise come over your comm system. Suddenly the entire Drift System has a massive shift! 

One of the unique things about the Drift System that physicists and philosophers have been pondering for over a millennium now is why the Drift System functions so differently from every other observable solar system with sectors occasionally shifting location and yet not experiencing catastrophe during those shifts, but never in recorded history has something of this magnitude happened to the Drift System.

You thought you had a pretty good idea as to where everything was and where you were heading to next, but that’s not true anymore. Remove every tile if it is not one of the Nyr [Star] tiles, or if it does not have a player ship, an NPC, space station/lab or ice asteroid on it. The tiles that are left still sitting out, draw them in closer to Nyr [Star] until they all connect, edge symbols do not need to match. If there are any tiles that seem difficult to discern where they should go, allow the player to the right of the active player to make any final tile placement decisions.

The tiles that have been removed are to be shuffled and need to once again be discovered through exploration. In addition, The Hive sector also now needs to be added to the stack of tiles that are being shuffled. Relics and Exploration Tokens will be placed on these tiles as they are discovered again. If tiles had overlays on them, you will need to replace overlays on them again immediately when those tile(s) are re-discovered. Debris tokens and virus tokens on the tiles that were reshuffled have been removed. If a planet was killed by a virus, a space kraken, or the Rikishi Event, it is still dead when it is re-discovered.

It doesn’t take long for the media outlets to start referring to this event as the Great Reset. Place the Great Reset Token on Nyr to signify that this occurred.

When The Hive sector is discovered, read/listen to Story 56.

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Story 57

Exotic Exhibits

You agree to be tractored in and soon find yourself docked at the Space Zoo. As you disembark from your ship, you notice signs advertising various exhibits such as the Loath Land Apes, Mono-horns from Neo Damascus, and the Giant Isopods of Lunari. It would be fascinating to explore all of these if time allowed, but you were summoned here for a specific reason. Before you can contemplate further, a man with a snowy beard, dressed in a loose white button down shirt, khaki pants, a straw hat and a unique looking cane waves at you from across the landing bay.

“It is an exciting day, an exciting day indeed. Follow me to my office and I’ll go over the details of my offer.” As you follow him, he continues his enthusiastic explanation, “I have spared no expense in starting this zoo. What we have here is the largest zoo in the entire Drift System, with animals from various Lawful, Neutral, and Outlaw planets. We function as a preserve for various rare species and a way to spark the imaginations of children and adults across the Drift System. However, I want to go one step further.”

With that statement hanging in the air, he steps into his office and waves for you to follow him in. Once the door is closed, he continues, “I want species that have never even been seen by people that don’t live on a specific planet, maybe even some species that have never been in the Drift System at all. This could be quite the lucrative opportunity for you, are you interested in helping?”

If the Captain and crew of the ship experiencing this Encounter are primarily Human or Ilex, read/listen to Story 67.

If the Captain and crew of the ship experiencing this Encounter are primarily Strayon, read/listen to Story 68.

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Story 49

Master of Puppets

“Thank you for allowing us to visit.”, intones your engineer.

The puppet beside him mimics, “Thank you for allowing us to visit.”

“Oh are you just going to copy everything I say?”

The puppet also says, “Oh are you just going to copy everything I say?”.

“What’s gotten into you?”

“Your hand!”

The audience on board the colony ship laughs. Luckily your comm officer had the script in advance so she could tweak the universal translator. The people on board would notice if you slipped away, so you leave it to your navigator with three days worth of stubble to leave instead with his shaving kit. Hopefully the Strayons just chalk it up to being an oddity of your species. While looking for a restroom, your navigator will also take this opportunity to go visit the cryogenics bank in the genetics lab and make a withdrawal. It was really nice that the senior officers greeted you and offered your crew a tour of the ship prior to the show, now your navigator knows exactly where to go. Hopefully the decryption device from your ship is up to the challenge of getting you into the lab, but security seems relatively lax as this feels more like a civilian science vessel.

Let’s see how much material your navigator can get into his shaving cream canister.

Once you return to the Space Zoo you will receive ([d4]+2)x1,000 credits along with your next job provided you make it within three rounds. Otherwise, the coolant system in the shaving cream canister will fail and all the genetic material will be permanently lost.

When you return to the Space Zoo, listen/read Story 50.

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Story 40

Dock with the lab

When exiting your craft you find that the robots on board the lab have literally rolled out the red carpet for you. Strolling up the red carpet to meet you is the three-eyed self proclaimed genius from the commercial. 

“Hello and welcome. My name is Merv Arken, but you can just call me Merv. It’s great to have a few additional sentient beings aboard and I already know of you and your crew for your recent exploits in space. I know everyone is terribly busy, so let me start by showing you about. I know you and your crew are already familiar with the standard array of Blasters and Missiles along with Shield Piercer Mods all of which are available here, but I would like to introduce you to my more unique offerings.”

“Over here is my specially designed and heavily patented freeze ray. It takes the same amount of space as a Tier I (Nock) Blaster, but instead it does ice damage each time it is fired. This handy little tool could be yours for just 2,000 credits.”

The Freeze Ray can be fired up to twice in a turn causing 1d6 ice damage each time it is fired and the ice spreads orthogonally at the end of the turn for the player’s turn for the ship that was damaged. If an NPC is shot by the Freeze Ray, the NPC will gain 1d4 additional ice damage at the end of its turn.

“I once heard someone say that ‘The best defense is a good offense.’ To test this theory I have developed the Arken Auto Armament. It allows your computer to automatically retaliate when your ship is shot.”

The Arken Auto Armament is a Mod that allows your ship to use one of your armed markers to retaliate with one shot from any of your weapons against an attacking vessel. Unlike your shields, you do not get to re-arm that marker till your next Status Phase.

Your first officer speaks up, “The name of your Mod reminds me. I’ve been wondering since we first saw your transponder ID about the long name that is registered for your lab.”

“Merv’s Missiles or Arken’s Arsenal were two different names that I was considering. I tried asking the opinion of an old woman at the Department of Space Vehicles and without responding she keyed in my query as the lab’s name.”

“One thing I’ve always found consistent on every planet is the general ineptitude of the DSV.”

“Behind those doors is my BioLab. Most of the projects in there are attempts to enhance my own life, but I have some projects that may eventually have some applications against an enemy as well, or maybe even a particular old woman that works for the DSV.”

“Over here are some of my specialized missiles. I have a ranged missile to be able to hit your targets from further out, a programmable drone missile to hit targets that you might not have a direct line of sight on, and an armored missile that can be shot either into or out of a debris field or asteroid cluster.”

Ranged Missiles require a line of sight and is a single-use missile shot by your ship’s missile outfit. The damage is determined by your outfit, but it can fire at a range of 7-9 spaces away and costs 1,000 credits.

Drone Missiles do not require a line of sight and can travel 2-6 spaces before exploding. You can set it to maneuver complex paths . This is a single use missile launched by your missile outfit. The damage it causes is also determined by your missile outfit. The Drone Missiles cost 1,000 credits each.

Armored Missiles are capable of being launched into, or out of debris fields, asteroids, and even ice asteroids. Armored missiles have the traditional range of 2-6 spaces and require a missile outfit to already be installed. This is a single-use weapon and its damage is determined by the missile outfit. Armored Missiles are 1,000 credits each.

Your first officer speaks up again in an attempt to better understand your host, “Do you worry about your safety, being out here all by yourself?”.

“No, I’m not worried. Between being an arms dealer with lots of missiles, a number of robot minions, my own cloaking technology, and the fact that you’re actually talking to a 3 dimensional holographic projection of myself. If you had pulled a weapon on me I would have sealed the doors, gassed everyone present, and then revived you in order to use you for testing a biological weapon I’m developing. Nope, I’m not worried at all. Oh look, here’s the next weapon I want to show you, Merv’s MIRVed Missile. It allows your missile to split up its payload and hit multiple targets. The MIRVed part of the name stands for Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles. I love this missile so much I named it after myself.”

Merv’s MIRVed Missiles are single use missiles launched by your ship’s missile outfit. This missile has the capacity to hit multiple targets within a 2-6 space radius provided you have line sight. Merv’s MIRVed Missiles cost $2,000 credits each. The damage for each type of missile outfit varies as follows:

Tier I – can hit up to two targets doing 1d4 damage to each ship hit this way (you may choose to hit one target multiple times causing 2d4 damage).

Tier II – can hit up to 3 targets doing 1d4 damage to each (you may choose to hit one of the target multiple times causing 2d4 or even 3d4 damage to it).

Tier III – can hit up to 5 targets doing 1d4 damage to each (you may choose to hit some of the targets multiple times).

“Also, I know that there is a lot of deep space travel going through this sector. If someone needs energy rods I have my robotic minions fill them from my fusion reactor at the going rate of 1,000 credits per energy rod.”

If you ever need anything, you know where to find my lab.

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Story 14

Merv’s Missiles

As you enter the sector, a space lab uncloaks and the transponder ID pings with the lab’s name, ‘Merv’s Missiles or Arken’s Arsenal’. 

“Captain, we’re being hailed by an automated message”

You nod and your comm officer puts it on.

Your view screen changes to what looks like a commercial. A spiraling camera view of the labs which then fades to an interior shot with a man in a lab coat with a clear dome covering his brain and a third eye in the center of his forehead. “Welcome to Merv’s Missiles or Arken’s Arsenal, your new favorite place to buy weapons of destruction. Between my brain power, and the tireless work of my robotic workforce I can make more and better weapons than anyone else. Need to shoot people that are trying to hide around corners? Want to hit multiple targets at once? Just want to send a message with a freeze ray? I am here to help for a reasonable price. I am transmitting my product catalog now. If you dock, I’ll make sure the red carpet is rolled out.”

“That was unusual.”, are the first words out of your mouth.

“Sir, the catalog is coming over now.”

“Let’s see what they have.”

The first thing you notice is that the catalog is titled, The Book of Armaments. A quick skim through this catalog shows all the common missiles, blasters, and the shield piercer mod, but there are also a few new things. A freeze ray, which is a type of blaster that does ice damage instead. An auto armament triggering system to automatically return fire on anyone that shoots you. Long range missiles which can be launched from further out. A drone missile that can be programmed to travel around corners. Armored missiles that can travel through debris and asteroid fields. Then there is his high end missile, Merv’s MIRVed Missile. MIRVed stands for Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicles. Apparently it can hit multiple targets at once. As a convenience, it says that they also sell energy rods. The catalog says they are actively developing other new weapons as well.

Do you choose to dock with the lab to learn more about their inventory, or just keep on flying.

Dock with the lab, read/listen to Story 40.

Just keep flying and continue with the rest of your turn, but the first ship that does dock with the lab should read/listen to Story 40.